javascript tutorial - [Solved-5 Solutions] Scope of the variable in javascript
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What is the scope of variables in javascript ? Do they have the same scope inside as opposed to outside a function ? Or does it even matter ? Also, where are the variables stored if they are defined globally ?
Solution 1:
We think about the best we can do is give we a bunch of examples to study. Javascript programmers are practically ranked by how well they understand scope. It can at times be quite counter-intuitive.
1. A globally-scoped variable
2. Local scope
3. Intermediate:
No such thing as block scope in JavaScript (ES5; ES6 introduces let )
4. Intermediate:
Object properties
5. Advanced:
6. Advanced:
Prototype-based scope resolution
7. Global+Local:
An extra complex Case
This will print out undefined and 10 rather than 5 and 10 since JavaScript always moves variable declarations (not initializations) to the top of the scope, making the code equivalent to:
8. Catch clause-scoped variable
This will print out 5, 6, 5. Inside the catch clause e shadows global and local variables. But this special scope is only for the caught variable. If we write var f; inside the catch clause, then it's exactly the same as if we had defined it before or after the try-catch block.
Solution 2:
Javascript uses scope chains to establish the scope for a given function. There is typically one global scope, and each function defined has its own nested scope. Any function defined within another function has a local scope which is linked to the outer function. It's always the position in the source that defines the scope.
An element in the scope chain is basically a Map with a pointer to its parent scope.
When resolving a variable, javascript starts at the innermost scope and searches outwards.
Solution 3:
Variables declared globally have a global scope. Variables declared within a function are scoped to that function, and shadow global variables of the same name.
Solution 4:
Here's an example:
You'll want to investigate closures, and how to use them to make private members.
Solution 5:
In "Javascript 1.7" (Mozilla's extension to Javascript) one can also declare block-scope variables with let statement:
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