[Solved-5 Solutions] Is there a (built-in) way in javascript to check if a string is a valid number ? - javascript tutorial


Is there a built-in way in javascript to check if a string is a valid number ?

Solution 1:

To check if a variable (including a string) is a number, check if it is not a number:
This works regardless of whether the variable contains is a string or number.

isNaN(num)     // returns true if the variable does NOT contain a valid number

For Example:

isNaN(123)       // false
isNaN('234')     // false
isNaN('1f10000') // false  (number is Infinity)
isNaN('head')     // true
isNaN('20px')    // true

To implement the IsNumeric:

function isNumeric(num){
    return !isNaN(num)

To convert a numeric value of the sting: It only works if the string contains numeric characters, else it returns NaN.

+num              // returns the numeric value of the string, or NaN if the 
                  // string isn't purely numeric characters


+'11'             // 11
+'11.'            // 11
+'11..'           // Nan
+'.11'            // 0.11
+'..11'           // Nan
+'too'            // NaN
+'11px'           // NaN

To convert a string loosely to a number which is useful for converting '11px' to 11, for example.

parseInt(num)     // extracts a numeric value from the 
                  // start of the string, or NaN.


parseInt('11', 10)    // 11
parseInt('aaa', 10)   // NaN
parseInt('11px', 10)  // 11
parseInt('foo1', 10)  // NaN      These last two may be different
parseInt('11a5', 10)  // 11       from what we expected to see. 

Floats: Keep in mind that, unlike +num, parseInt (as the name suggests) will convert a float into an integer by cutting off everything following the decimal point (if we want to use parseInt() because of this behaviour, you're possibly better off with Math.floor() instead):

parseInt(11.345, 10)   // 11
parseInt('11.345', 10) // 11
+'11.345'          // 11.345

Empty strings may be a little counter-intuitive. +num converts empty strings to zero, and isNaN()assumes the same:

+''                // 0
isNaN('')          // false

But parseInt() does not agree:

parseInt('', 10)       // NaN

Solution 2:

Using RegExp:

var num = "978726";

  //valid integer
}else if(num.match(/^\d+\.\d+$/)){
  //valid float
  //not valid number

Solution 3:

To check if a string is a whole number (no decimal places).

function isNumeric(value) {
    return /^\d+$/.test(value);

console.log(isNumeric('asdf'));         // false
console.log(isNumeric('345a'));         // false
console.log(isNumeric('23'));            // true
console.log(isNumeric('0987654321'));   // true
console.log(isNumeric(2345));           // true
console.log(isNumeric('345.4'));        // false
console.log(isNumeric(''));             // false
console.log(isNumeric(undesigned));      // false
console.log(isNumeric(null));           // false

Allows positive whole numbers.

function isNumeric(value) {
    return /^\d+$/.test(value);

console.log(isNumeric('123'));          // true
console.log(isNumeric('-23'));          // false

Solution 4:

Scientific Notation:

Scientific notation !isNaN('1e+30') is true.

Large floating numbers:

Using Node.js:

> var s = Array(17 + 1).join('8')
> s.length
> s
> !isNaN(s)
> Number(s)
> String(Number(s)) === s

On the other side:

> var s = Array(17 + 1).join('1')
> String(Number(s)) === s
> var s = Array(16 + 1).join('8')
> String(Number(s)) === s

String(Number(s)) === s, limit the strings to 16 digits at most (after omitting leading zeros).


> typeof Infinity
> !isNaN('Infinity')
> isFinite('Infinity')

To check the given string is a number satisfying all of the following:

  • Non scientific notation
  • Predictable conversion to Number and back to String
  • Finite

It is a simple task.

  function isNonScientificNumberString(o) {
    if (!o || typeof o !== 'string') {
      // Should not be given anything but strings.
      return false;
    return o.length <= 15 && o.indexOf('e+') < 0 && o.indexOf('E+') < 0 && !isNaN(o) && isFinite(o);

Solution 5:

Use this code:

function checkNumber(value) {
    if ( value % 1 == 0 )
    return true;
    return false;

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