javascript tutorial - [Solved-5 Solutions] Change an element class with javascript - javascript - java script - javascript array


How can we change a class of an HTML element in response to an onClick event using JavaScript?

Solution 1:

  • Modern HTML5 Techniques for changing classes
  • Modern browsers have added classList which provides methods to make it easier to manipulate classes without needing a library:


if ( document.getElementById("MyElement").classList.contains('MyClass') )

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  • Unfortunately, these do not work in Internet Explorer prior to v10, though there is a shim to add support for it to IE8 and IE9, available from this page. It is, though, getting more and more supported.
  • Simple cross-browser solution
  • The standard JavaScript way to select an element is using document.getElementById("Id"), which is what the following examples use - we can of course obtain elements in other ways, and in the right situation may simply use this instead - however, going into detail on this is beyond the scope of the answer.
  • To change all classes for an element:
  • To replace all existing classes with one or more new classes, set the className attribute:
document.getElementById("MyElement").className = "MyClass";
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  • (We can use a space-delimited list to apply multiple classes.)
  • To add an additional class to an element:
  • To add a class to an element, without removing/affecting existing values, append a space and the new classname, like so:
document.getElementById("MyElement").className += " MyClass";
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  • To remove a class from an element:
  • To remove a single class to an element, without affecting other potential classes, a simple regex replace is required:
document.getElementById("MyElement").className =
      ( /(?:^|\s)MyClass(?!\S)/g , '' )
/* Code wrapped for readability - above is all one statement */
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An explanation of this regex is as follows:

(?:^|\s) # Match the start of the string, or any single whitespace character

MyClass  # The literal text for the classname to remove

(?!\S)   # Negative lookahead to verify the above is the whole classname
         # Ensures there is no non-space character following
         # (i.e. must be end of string or a space)
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  • The g flag tells the replace to repeat as required, in case the class name has been added multiple times.
  • To check if a class is already applied to an element:
  • The same regex used above for removing a class can also be used as a check as to whether a particular class exists:
if ( document.getElementById("MyElement").className.match(/(?:^|\s)MyClass(?!\S)/) )
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  • Assigning these actions to onclick events:
  • Whilst it is possible to write JavaScript directly inside the HTML event attributes (such as onclick="this.className+=' MyClass'") this is not recommended behaviour. Especially on larger applications, more maintainable code is achieved by separating HTML markup from JavaScript interaction logic.
  • The first step to achieving this is by creating a function, and calling the function in the onclick attribute, for example:
<script type="text/javascript">
    function changeClass()
        // Code examples from above
<button onclick="changeClass()">My Button</button>
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  • (It is not required to have this code in script tags, this is simply for brevity of example, and including the JavaScript in a distinct file may be more appropriate.)
  • The second step is to move the onclick event out of the HTML and into JavaScript, for example using
<script type="text/javascript">
    function changeClass()
        // Code examples from above

    window.onload = function()
        document.getElementById("MyElement").addEventListener( 'click', changeClass);
<button id="MyElement">My Button</button>
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  • (Note that the window.onload part is required so that the contents of that function are executed after the HTML has finished loading - without this, the MyElement might not exist when the JavaScript code is called, so that line would fail.)
  • JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries
  • The above code is all in standard JavaScript, however it is common practise to use either a framework or a library to simplify common tasks, as well as benefit from fixed bugs and edge cases that we might not think of when writing your code.
  • Whilst some people consider it overkill to add a ~50 KB framework for simply changing a class, if we are doing any substantial amount of JavaScript work, or anything that might have unusual cross-browser behaviour, it is well worth considering.
  • (Very roughly, a library is a set of tools designed for a specific task, whilst a framework generally contains multiple libraries and performs a complete set of duties.)
  • The examples above have been reproduced below using jQuery, probably the most commonly used JavaScript library (though there are others worth investigating too).
  • (Note that $ here is the jQuery object.)
  • Changing Classes with jQuery:


if ( $('#MyElement').hasClass('MyClass') )
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  • In addition, jQuery provides a shortcut for adding a class if it doesn't apply, or removing a class that does:
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Assigning a function to a click event with jQuery:

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  • or, without needing an id:
$(':button:contains(My Button)').click(changeClass);
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Solution 2:

We could also just do:

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  • And to toggle a class (remove if exists else add it):
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Solution 3:

In one of my old projects that did not use jQuery, we built the following functions for adding, removing, and checking if element has class:

function hasClass(ele, cls) {
    return ele.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)'));
function addClass(ele, cls) {
    if (!hasClass(ele, cls)) ele.className += " " + cls;
function removeClass(ele, cls) {
    if (hasClass(ele, cls)) {
        var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)');
        ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, ' ');
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So, for example, if we want onclick to add some class the the button we can use this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function changeClass(btn, cls) {
        if(!hasClass(btn, cls)) {
            addClass(btn, cls);
<button onclick="changeClass(this, "someClass")">My Button</button>
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By now for sure it would just better to use jQuery.

Solution 4:

We can use node.className like so: document.getElementById('foo').className = 'bar'; This should work in IE5.5 and up according to

Solution 5:

Wow, surprised there are so many overkill answers here...

<div class="firstClass" onclick="this.className='secondClass'">
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