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dojo - tutorial

Getting started with dojo :

Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig :

Hello Dojo :

  • Hello World in Dojo
  • Dojo AMD in Dojo

Dojo DOM Manipulation :

  • Dojo is a JavaScript framework targeting the many needs of large-scale client-side web development. For example, Dojo abstracts the differences among diverse browsers to provide APIs that will work on all of them
    • It establishes a framework for defining modules of code and managing their interdependencies;
    • It provides build tools for optimizing JavaScript and CSS, generating documentation, and unit testing;
    • It supports internationalization, localization, and accessibility;
    • It provides a rich suite of commonly needed utility classes and user-interface widgets.
  • The Dojo Toolkit is organized in several parts:
    • dojo contains the core and most non-visual modules.
    • dijit is a library of user-interface modules for widgets and layout.
    • dojox holds assorted modules not yet considered stable enough to include in dojo or dijit.
    • util includes build tools such as optimization, documentation, style-checking, and testing.
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  • Dojo widgets are components — comprising JavaScript code, HTML markup, and CSS style declarations — that provide multi-browser,
  • Interactive Features:
    • Menus, tabs, and tooltips
    • Sortable tables
    • Dynamic charts
    • 2D vector drawings
    • Animated effects—fades, wipes and slides—facilities for custom animation effects
  • Server-side data storage

  • CsvStore: a read-only store that reads tabular data from comma-separated values files
  • OpmlStore: a read-only store that reads hierarchical data from OPML format files
  • YahooStore: a read-only store that fetches search results from the Yahoo! Search web service
  • DeliciousStore: a read-only store that fetches bookmarks from the web service
  • RdfStore: a read-write store that uses SPARQL to talk to RDF data servers including, for example, the Rhizome RDF application server.
  • What is Dojo?

    • • Powerful, feature rich JavaScript Toolkit
    • • Open Source and Community Driven
    • • One of the leading JS Frameworks along with Jquery, YUI, MooTools and Prototype
    • • Geared towards rapid web app development

    Why use Dojo?

  • • Modern Browser Support
  • • Full feature Mobile library (Dojo 1.7+)
  • • Package Based
  • • oAuth compatible
  • • XMPP
  • • 2D and 3D FX Library
  • • Namespaced, so it won’t conflict with other libraries.
  • Important support milestones

  • • IBM and Sun (now Oracle) announce support and contribute code
  • • Zend Technologies enters a partnership to integrate Dojo into the Zend Framework
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    coding dojo :

  • Local <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
  • Google API <script src=""></script>

    Dojo Packages

  • Include additional classes using dojo.require()
  • – dojo.require(“”);
  • – Resolves to “pathtojs/dojo/store/Cache.js”
  • • Register and reuse a non-standard module path
  • – dojo.registerModulePath(‘path2’,’path/to/js’);
  • – dojo.require(“path2.ModuleName”);

    Browser Detection methods

  • Built in detection for modern browsers and technologies
    • • dojo.isMoz
    • • dojo.isFF
    • • dojo.isIE
    • • dojo.isAIR
    • • dojo.isOpera
    • • dojo.isKhtml
    • • dojo.isWebKit
    • • dojo.isSafari
    • • dojo.isChrome
    • • dojo.isQuirks

    Classes and Inheritance

  • dojo.declare()
    • – “Foundation of class creation. Allows for multiple inheritance to create flexible code and avoid writing the same code routines.” *
    • dojo.declare("myClass",null,{ // Custom code here });
  • dojo.extend()
    • – Add functionality and values to classes
    • dojo.extend(myClass,{ showUpper: function (msg) { this.say(msg.toUpperCase()}; } }); var myc = new myClass();
  • dojo.mixin()
    • – Utility function for mixing together objects
    • – Powerful yet sometimes confusing function
    • – Similar to extend(), but only works on objects
  • var objOne = { a: "first", b: "second"}; dojo.mixin(objOne ,{c: ”Third”}});
  • dojo.hitch()
    • – Utility function for simplifying context bindings
    • – Creates a new function bound to a specific context
    • – Can safely invoke without worrying about context
    • changes
  • var myObject = { foo: "baz" }; var boundFunction = dojo.hitch(myObject, function() {return "bar";});
  • dojo.query()
    • – Uses familiar CSS queries (which you use in your stylesheets) to retrieve a list of nodes, including support for advanced CSS3 selectors
    • dojo.query(".odd").forEach(function (node, index, nodelist){ dojo.addClass(node, "red"); });
  • dojo.byId() – Retrieve elements by DOM node id
  • dojo.body() – Retrieve the HTML body element
  • dojo.create()
  • dojo.destroy() – Add and remove DOM nodes
  • dojo.attr()
    • – Get and set node attributes
    • – Allows access to read and manipulate CSS styles.
  • dojo.connect()
  • dojo.disconnect() – Add event handling to objects
  • dojo.subscribe()
  • dojo.publish()
  • dojo.unsubscribe() – Subscribe to and broadcast custom object events
  • Ajax Support functions:

  • dojo.xhr()
  • dojo.xhrGet()
  • dojo.xhrPost() – Standardized Ajax functionality
  • dojo.Deferred() – Powerful tool for handling asynchronous operations – Deferred.then() allows for handling of both successful and error responses
  • dojo. DeferredList() – Handle multiple Deferred
  • FX Support functions:

  • dojo.fadeIn()
  • dojo.fadeOut() – Easy fade handlers
  • dojo.animateProperty() – Animate a node according to set parameters
  • Dojo Core functions:

  • – Unified Data API
  • dojo.dnd – Drag and Drop Support
  • dojo.fx – Advanced FX Library
  • dojo.i18n – Internationalization
  • OpenAjax
  • Utilities – dojo.string – – dojo.regexp
  • I/O – – – dojo.rpc
  • dojo.back – Browser History

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