Specification of a Simple Type Checker

Specification of a Simple Type Checker

  • Specification of a simple type checker for a simple language in which the type of each identifier must be declared before the identifier is used.
  • The type checker is a translation scheme that synthesizes the type of each expression from the types of its subexpressions.
  • The type checker can handle arrays, pointers, statements, and functions.
  • Specification of a simple type checker includes the following:
    • A Simple Language
    • Type Checking of Expressions
    • Type Checking of Statements
    • Type Checking of Functions
 Specification of Type Checker

Specification of Type Checker

Simple Language

  • The following grammar generates programs, represented by the nonterminal P, consisting of a sequence of declarations D followed by a single expression E.
P -> D ; E
D -> D ; D | id : T
T -> char | integer | array[num] of T | ‡ T

A translation scheme for above rules:

P -> D ; E
D -> D ; D
D -> id : T { addtype(id.entry, T.type }
T -> char { T.type := char }
T -> integer { T.type := integer }
T -> ‡ T1 { T.type := pointer(T1.type) }
T -> array[num] of T1 { T.type := array(1..num.val, T1.type) }

Type Checking of Expressions

  • The synthesized attribute type for E gives the type expression assigned by the type system to the expression generated by E.
  • The following semantic rules say that constants represented by the tokens literal and num have type char and integer, respectively:
Rule Semantic Rule
E -> literal { E.type := char }
E -> num { E.type := integer}
  • A function lookup(e) is used to fetch the type saved in the symbol-table entry pointed to by e.
  • When an identifier appears in an expression, its declared type is fetched and assigned to the attribute type;
E -> id { E.type := lookup(id.entry}
  • The expression formed by applying the mod operator to two subexpressions of type integer has type integer; otherwise, its type is type_error. The rule is
E -> E1 mod E2 { E.type := if E1.type = integer and E2.type = integer

then integer

else typr_error}
  • In an array reference E1 [E2], the index expression E2 must have type integer, in which case the result is the dement type t obtained from the type array(s. t ) of E1; we make no use of the index set s of the array.
E -> E1 [ E2 ] { E.type := if E2.type = integer and E1.type = array(s,t)

then t

else typr_error}
  • Within expressions, the postfix operator ↑ yields the object pointed to by its operand. The type of E ‡ is the type ‡ of the object pointed to by the pointer E:
E -> E1 ‡ { E.type := if E1.type = ponter(t) then t

else typr_error}
 Type Checking

Type Checking

Type Checking of Statements

  • Since language constructs like statements typically do not have values, the special basic type void can be assigned to them.
  • If an error is detected within a statement, then the type type_error assigned.
  • The assignment statement, conditional statement, and while statements are considered for the type checking.
  • The Sequences of statements are separated by semicolons.
Statement Rule Semantic Rule
Assignment S -> id := E {S.type := if id.type = E,type then void

else type_error}
Conditional E -> if E then S1 { S.type := if E.type = Boolean then S1.type

else type_error}
While E -> while E do S1 { S.type := if E.type = Boolean then S1.type

else type_error}
Sequence E -> S1 ; S2 { S.type := if S1.type = void and S2.type = void then void

else type_error}
 Type Checking Statements

Type Checking Statements

Type Checking of Functions

  • The application of a function to an argument can be captured by the production
E -> E ( E )
  • An expression is the application of one expression to another. The rules for associating type expressions with nonterminal T can be augmented by the following production and action to permit function types in declarations.
T -> T1' -> T2' {T.type := T1.type -> T2.type}
  • Quotes around the arrow used as a function constructor distinguish it from the arrow used as the meta symbol in a production.
  • The rule for checking the type of a function application is
E -> E1 ( E2 ) { E.type := if E2.type = s and E1.type = s -> t

then t

else typr_error}
 Type Checking Functions

Type Checking Functions

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