Computer Networks Introduction - Computer Network Tutorial

Computer Network Introduction

  • When data transmission(Audio/Video/Files) takes place only between two or more computer through a communication medium such as Wires/Cables is known as a Computer Network.
  • When data transmission(Audio/Video/Files) takes place only between two or more Mobile devices through a communication medium such as Wires/Cables is known as a Mobile Network.
  • When data transmission(Audio/Video/Files) takes place between Computers and Mobile devices through a communication medium such as Wires/Cables is known as a Device Network
  • Sender, Receiver, Communication medium/Channel, Protocol and Message are the five components of any computer network. The sender is one who sends the data packets through the communication medium by following protocols and the data packets are received by the receiver.
  • Hence, a network can be defined as the set of devices(mobile/computer) connected through a communication link.

Advantages of Computer Networks

  • Computer Networks allows users to transmit data from one end to other. Weather the network is wired or wireless, it is capable of providing services to its users on regular basis in an efficient, secure and fast manner. Some of the advantages of computer networks are:

Disadvantages of Computer Networks

  • With many advantages, disadvantages comes too. Computer networks does possess a number of disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are:

Applications of Computer Networks

  • The concept of computer networks is used widely. Some of the major fields where computer networks can be applied peacefully are:

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