MathML All Elements
MathML All Elements
All Elements
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Index | Element | Description |
1 | <maction> | The MathML <maction> element provides an opportunity to bind actions to (sub-) expressions. |
2 | <math> | It is the top-level element in MathML . Every valid MathML instance must be wrapped in <math> tags. |
3 | <menclose> | The MathML <menclose> element renders its content inside an enclosing notation specified by the notation attribute. |
4 | <merror> | The MathML <merror> element is used to display contents as error messages. |
5 | <mfenced> | The MathML <mfenced> element provides the possibility to add custom opening and closing parentheses (such as brackets) and separators (such as commas or semicolons) to an expression. |
6 | <mfrac> | To display fractions. |
7 | <mglyph> | To display non-standard symbols where existing Unicode characters aren't available. |
8 | <mi> | It indicates that the content should be rendered as an identifier like function names, variables or symbolic constants. |
9 | <mlabeledtr> | To represent a label during a row either on the left or on the right side (determined using the side attribute on the mtable element). Child elements of mlabeledtr must be mtd elements. |
10 | <mmultiscripts> | This element allows you to make tensor-like objects. |
11 | <mn> | It represents a numeric literal which is generally a sequence of digits with a possible separator (a dot or a comma). |
12 | <mo> | It represents an operator during a broad sense. |
13 | <mover> | To connect an accent or a limit over an expression. |
14 | <mpadded> | To add extra padding and to line the overall adjustment of position and size of enclosed contents. |
15 | <mphantom> | This element is rendered invisibly, but dimensions (such as height, width, and baseline position) are still kept. |
16 | <mroot> | To display roots with a particular index. |
17 | <mrow> | This element is used to group sub-expressions, which usually contain one or more operators with their respective operands |
18 | <ms> | It represents string literal meant be interpreted by programming languages and computer algebra systems. |
19 | <mspace> | To display a space , whose size is about by its attributes. |
20 | <msqrt> | To display square roots. |
21 | <mstyle> | It is used to change the style of its children. |
22 | <msub> | It is used to attach a subscript to an expression. It uses the following syntax: msub base subscript </msub>. |
23 | <msubsup> | It is used to attach both a subscript and a superscript, together, to an expression |
24 | <msup> | It is used to attach a superscript to an expression. It uses the following syntax: msup base superscript </msup>. |
25 | <mtable> | This element allows you to create tables or matrices. These elements are similar to table, tr and td elements of HTML. |
26 | <mtd> | This element represents a cell in a table or a matrix. |
27 | <mtext> | It is used to render arbitrary text with no notational meaning, such as comments or annotations. |
28 | <mtr> | It represents a row in a table or a matrix. It may only appear in a element. |
29 | <munder> | It is used to attach an accent or a limit under an expression. |
30 | <munderover> | It is used to attach accents or limits both under and over an expression. |
31 | <semantics> | <semantics> element, annotation and annotation-xml are used to combine presentation and content markup and to provide both, layout information and semantic meaning of mathematical expressions. |