linux - [Solved-5 Solutions] Python subprocess command with pipe - ubuntu - red hat - debian - linux server - linux pc

Linux - Problem :

How to use python subprocess command with pipe ?

Linux - Solution 1:

  • To use a pipe with the subprocess module, you have to pass shell=True.
  • It isn't really advisable for various reasons, not least of which is security.
  • Instead, create the ps and grep processes separately, and pipe the output from one into the other, like so:
ps = subprocess.Popen(('ps', '-A'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = subprocess.check_output(('grep', 'process_name'), stdin=ps.stdout)
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Linux - Solution 2:

You can use method on subprocess objects.

cmd = "ps -A|grep 'process_name'"
ps = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = ps.communicate()[0]
print output
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This method returns in a tuple the standard output and the standard error

Linux - Solution 3:

setting up a pipeline using subprocess:

query = "process_name"
ps_process = Popen(["ps", "-A"], stdout=PIPE)
grep_process = Popen(["grep", query], stdin=ps_process.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
ps_process.stdout.close()  # Allow ps_process to receive a SIGPIPE if grep_process exits.
output = grep_process.communicate()[0]
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Linux - Solution 4:

To use 'pgrep' command instead of 'ps -A | grep 'process_name'

Linux - Solution 5:

You can try the pipe functionality in

import sh
print sh.grep("-ax"), "process_name")
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