linux - [Solved-5 Solutions] Pipe output and capture exit status in Bash - ubuntu - red hat - debian - linux server - linux pc

Linux - Problem :

If you need to execute a long running command in Bash, and both capture its exit status, and tee(command) its output.

command | tee out.txt
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Linux - Solution 1:

  • There is an internal Bash variable called $PIPESTATUS;
  • It’s an array that holds the exit status of each command in your last foreground pipeline of commands.
<command> | tee out.txt ; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0
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It works with other shells (like zsh):

set -o pipefail
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Linux - Solution 2:

Using bash's set -o pipefail

"pipefail: the return value of a pipeline is the status of the last command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if no command exited with a non-zero status"

Linux - Solution 3:

 mkfifo pipe
 tee out.txt < pipe &
 command > pipe
 echo $?
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Linux - Solution 4:

There's an array that gives exit status of each command in a pipe.

$ cat x| sed 's///'
cat: x: No such file or directory
$ echo $?
$ cat x| sed 's///'
cat: x: No such file or directory
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
1 0
$ touch x
$ cat x| sed 's'
sed: 1: "s": substitute pattern can not be delimited by newline or backslash
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
0 1
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Linux - Solution 5:

  • This solution works without using bash specific features or temporary files.
  • In the end the exit status is actually the exit status and not some string in a file


someprog | filter
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It you need the exit status from someprog and the output from filter.

You can use this:

((((someprog; echo $? >&3) | filter >&4) 3>&1) | (read xs; exit $xs)) 4>&1

echo $?
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