linux - [Solved-5 Solutions] How to make child process die after parent exits - ubuntu - red hat - debian - linux server - linux pc

Linux - Problem :

How to make child process die after parent exits ?

Linux - Solution 1:

Child can ask kernel to deliver SIGHUP (or other signal) when parent dies by specifying option PR_SET_PDEATHSIG in prctl() syscall like this:

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Linux - Solution 2:

By running the "original" code in the "child" and the "spawned" code in the "parent" (that is: you reverse the usual sense of the test after fork()). Then trap SIGCHLD in the "spawned" code

Linux - Solution 3:

If you're unable to modify the child process, you can try something like the following:

int pipes[2];
if (fork() == 0) {
    close(pipes[1]); /* Close the writer end in the child*/
    dup2(0, pipes[0]); /* Use reader end as stdin */
    exec("sh -c 'set -o monitor; child_process & read dummy; kill %1'")

close(pipes[0]); /* Close the reader end in the parent */
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  • This runs the child from within a shell process with job control enabled. The child process is spawned in the background.
  • The shell waits for a newline (or an EOF) then kills the child.
  • When the parent dies--no matter what the reason--it will close its end of the pipe.
  • The child shell will get an EOF from the read and proceed to kill the backgrounded child process.

Linux - Solution 4:

On Mac OS X you can use kqueue:

void noteProcDeath(
    CFFileDescriptorRef fdref, 
    CFOptionFlags callBackTypes, 
    void* info) 
    // LOG_DEBUG(@"noteProcDeath... ");

    struct kevent kev;
    int fd = CFFileDescriptorGetNativeDescriptor(fdref);
    kevent(fd, NULL, 0, &kev, 1, NULL);
    // take action on death of process here
    unsigned int dead_pid = (unsigned int)kev.ident;

    CFRelease(fdref); // the CFFileDescriptorRef is no longer of any use in this example

    int our_pid = getpid();
    // when our parent dies we die as well.. 
    LOG_INFO(@"exit! parent process (pid %u) died. no need for us (pid %i) to stick around", dead_pid, our_pid);

void suicide_if_we_become_a_zombie(int parent_pid) {
    // int parent_pid = getppid();
    // int our_pid = getpid();
    // LOG_ERROR(@"suicide_if_we_become_a_zombie(). parent process (pid %u) that we monitor. our pid %i", parent_pid, our_pid);

    int fd = kqueue();
    struct kevent kev;
    EV_SET(&kev, parent_pid, EVFILT_PROC, EV_ADD|EV_ENABLE, NOTE_EXIT, 0, NULL);
    kevent(fd, &kev, 1, NULL, 0, NULL);
    CFFileDescriptorRef fdref = CFFileDescriptorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, fd, true, noteProcDeath, NULL);
    CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks(fdref, kCFFileDescriptorReadCallBack);
    CFRunLoopSourceRef source = CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, fdref, 0);
    CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetMain(), source, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
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Linux - Solution 5:

This type of solution is useful when the code in the child can't be modified.

int p[2];
pid_t child = fork();
if (child == 0) {
    close(p[1]); // close write end of pipe
    setpgid(0, 0); // prevent ^C in parent from stopping this process
    child = fork();
    if (child == 0) {
        close(p[0]); // close read end of pipe (don't need it here)
        exec(...child process here...);
    read(p[0], 1); // returns when parent exits for any reason
    kill(child, 9);
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There are two small caveats with this method:

  • If you deliberately kill the intermediate process, then the child won't be killed when the parent dies.
  • If the child exits before the parent, then the intermediate process will try to kill the original child pid, which could now refer to a different process. (This could be fixed with more code in the intermediate process.)
def run(*args):
    (r, w) = os.pipe()
    child = os.fork()
    if child == 0:
        os.setpgid(0, 0)
        child = os.fork()
        if child == 0:
            os.execl(args[0], *args)
            os._exit(1), 1)
        os.kill(child, 9)
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