[Solved-3 Solutions] How to Filter log file entries based on date range ? - linux server - linux pc


How to Filter log file entries based on date range ?

Solution 1:

  • Assuming "HH:MM" to show, and to use awk:
awk -v start=00:00 -v stop=09:00 'start <= $2 && $2 < stop' file.log
  • This one is terrible: what date is "09/10/11"?

Assuming this it "YY/MM/DD"

awk -v date="$(date +%y/%m/%d)" \
    -v start=00:00:00 \
    -v stop=09:00:00 \
    -v search="File format not found" \
'$1 == date && start <= $2 && $2 < stop && $0 ~ search' file.log

Solution 2:

#!/usr/bin/perl -ws
# This script parse logfiles for a specific period of time

sub usage 
    printf "Usage: %s -s=<start time> [-e=<end time>] <logfile>\n";
    die $_[0] if $_[0];
    exit 0;

use Date::Parse;

usage "No start time submited" unless $s;
my $startim=str2time($s) or die;

my $endtim=str2time($e) if $e;
$endtim=time() unless $e;

usage "Logfile not submited" unless $ARGV[0];
open my $in, "<" . $ARGV[0] or usage "Can't open '$ARGV[0]' for reading";
exit unless $_; # empty file
# Determining regular expression, depending on log format
my $logre=qr{^(\S{3}\s+\d{1,2}\s+(\d{2}:){2}\d+)};
$logre=qr{^[^\[]*\[(\d+/\S+/(\d+:){3}\d+\s\+\d+)\]} unless /$logre/;

while (<$in>)
    /$logre/ && do
        my $ltim=str2time($1);
        print if $endtim >= $ltim && $ltim >= $startim;

Using this code:

./timelapsinlog.pl -s=08:18 -e=08:24 /path/to/logfile

For printing logs between 08h18 and 08h24

./timelapsinlog.pl -s='2018/10/20 08:18:12' /path/to/logfile

For printing from oct 20th, 8h18'12" upto now.

In order to reduce perl -s switch to permit auto-assignement of variables from commandline: -s=08:18 will populate a variable $s which will have 0:18.

Note: This hold two different kind of regex for two different log standard. Different date/time format parsing, either post the own regex or post a sample of formatted date from logfile.

^(\S{3}\s+\d{1,2}\s+(\d{2}:){2}\d+)         # ^Jan  1 01:23:45
^[^\[]*\[(\d+/\S+/(\d+:){3}\d+\s\+\d+)\]    # ^... [01/Jan/2017:01:23:45 +0000]

Solution 3:

awk: invalid -v option, is an active IPs in a predefined time range to get by script:

cat <FILE_NAME> | awk '$4 >= "[04/Jul/2017:07:00:00" && $4 < "[04/Jul/2017:08:00:00"' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20

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