Azure Active Directory B2C implementation using ADAL Cordova Plugin
Azure AD B2C
- Azure AD B2C is a cloud identity management solution for your web and mobile applications. It is a highly available global service that scales to hundreds of millions of identities.
Mobile app - ADAL plugin
Mobile app implementation uses ADAL Cordova Plugin Patch For B2C. This is a chopped version of Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) plugin for Apache Cordova apps, cordova-plugin-ms-adal that works with Azure AD B2C. The original cordova-plugin-ms-adal plugin provides easy to use authentication functionality for your Apache Cordova apps by taking advantage of Active Directory.
- Find the angularjs/ionicframework example below
- Install the dependencies:
- Let us have a LoginController
- Enter the Azure AD B2C settings here
- And here is the adal.service that implements Azure AD B2C using ADAL plugin
- angular .module('azureADB2C') .service('AdalService', function($q, $http, settings) {