[Solved-1 Solution] Pig 0.11.1 - Count groups in a time range ?

What is count() ?

  • The COUNT() function of Pig Latin is used to get the number of elements in a bag. While counting the number of tuples in a bag, the COUNT() function ignores (will not count) the tuples having a NULL value in the FIRST FIELD.


We have a dataset, A, that has timestamp, visitor, URL:

(2012-07-21T14:00:00.000Z, wiki, hxxp:///www.xxx.com) 
(2012-07-21T14:01:00.000Z, mary, hxxp://www.yyy.com) 
(2012-07-21T14:02:00.000Z, wiki, hxxp:///www.xxx.com) 

We need to measure number of visits per user per URL in a time window of say, 10 minutes, but as a rolling window that increments by the minute. Output would be:

(2012-07-21T14:00 to 2012-07-21T14:10, wiki, hxxp://www.xxx.com, 2)
(2012-07-21T14:01 to 2012-07-21T14:11, wiki, hxxp://www.xxx.com, 1)

To make the arithmetic easy, we can change the timestamp to minute of the day, as:

(840, wiki, hxxp://www.xxx.com) /* 840 = 14:00 hrs x 60 + 00 mins) */

To iterate over 'A' by a moving time window, We create a dataset B of minutes in the day:


We want to do something like:

A = load 'dataset1' AS (ts, visitor, uri)
B = load 'dataset2' as (minute)

foreach B {
C = filter A by ts > minute AND ts < minute + 10;
D = GROUP C BY (visitor, uri);
foreach D GENERATE group, count(C) as mycnt;


"GROUP" isn't allowed inside a "FOREACH" loop but is there a workaround to achieve the same result ?

Solution 1:

The below code helps to count groups in a time


@outputSchema('expanded: {(num:int)}')
def expand(start, end):
        return [ (x) for x in range(start, end) ]


register 'myudf.py' using jython as myudf ;

-- A1 is the minutes. Schema:
-- A1: {minute: int}
-- A2 is the logs. Schema:
-- A2: {minute: int,name: chararray}
-- These schemas should change to fit your needs.

                        FLATTEN(myudf.expand(minute, minute+10)) AS matchto ;
-- B is in the form:
-- 1 1
-- 1 2
-- ....
-- 2 2
-- 2 3
-- ....
-- 100 100
-- 100 101
-- etc.

-- Now we join on the minute in the second column of B with the 
-- minute in the log, then it is just grouping by the minute in
-- the first column and name and counting
C = JOIN B BY matchto, A2 BY minute ;
D = FOREACH (GROUP C BY (B::minute, name)) 
            GENERATE FLATTEN(group), COUNT(C) as count ;

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