In CSS, the two properties that makes spacing possible are padding and margin.

  • The padding represents the inner space of an element
  • The margin is external


Explanation of the different parts:

Content – The content of the box, where text and images appear
Padding – Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent
Border – A border that goes around the padding and content
Margin – Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent

Difference between margin and padding.

  • Margin is outer space of an element, while Padding is inner space of an element.
  • Margin is the space outside the border of an element, while Padding is the space that is inside the border of it.
  • Margin can be value auto: margin: auto, but you can’t give Padding the value of auto.
  • Margin can give value of positive or negative (or zero), otherwise, Padding must be positive (or zero).
  • In navigation bars or anchors (links) and other tags, Padding is a part of element that accepts changes. When you style an element, changes not occurs to Margin, but the space that Padding has created will be change.

Tips: You can see these differences on some tags that you use to control other tags; like div and span, or section and article

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Padding Property:

  • The CSS padding properties define the space between the element border and the element content.

You can define the padding value the following way:

  • padding-top: 10px;
  • padding-right: 10px;
  • padding-bottom: 10px;
  • padding-left: 10px;

You can also use the shortand property:

padding:30px 55px 80px 110px;

  • top padding is 30px
  • right padding is 55px
  • bottom padding is 80px
  • left padding is 110px

padding:30px 55px 80px;

  • top padding is 30px
  • right and left paddings are 55px
  • bottom padding is 80px

padding:30px 55px;

  • top and bottom paddings are 30px
  • right and left paddings are 55px


  • all four paddings are 25px

Padding example program:

css code
<style type="text/css">
border-style: solid;
padding:30px 20px 10px 25px;
<div class=“wiki">
Welcome to Wikitechy..
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margin Property:

  • CSS margin properties define the space around elements.
  • The margin clears an area around an element (outside the border).
  • The margin does not have a background color, and is completely transparent.

You can define the element margin values the following way:

  • margin-top:100px;
  • margin-bottom:100px;
  • margin-right:50px;
  • margin-left:50px;

You can also use the shortand property:

margin:35px 60px 85px 110px;

top margin is 35px
right margin is 60px
bottom margin is 85px
left margin is 110px

margin:35px 60px 85px;
top margin is 35px
right and left margins are 60px
bottom margin is 85px

margin:35px 60px;
top and bottom margins are 35px
right and left margins are 60px

all four margins are 25px

Margin Example Program:

css code
<style type="text/css">
border-style: solid;
margin:30px 20px 10px 25px;
<div class=“wiki">
Welcome to Wikitechy..
[ad type=”banner”]

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