Download Huawei MediaPad M2 Marshmallow firmware is now available. If you can easily update Huawei MediaPad M2 to Marshmallow. This update is based on EMUI 4.0 and includes all Android 6.0 Marshmallow features. The update is rolling out for Mediapad M2 8.0 8″ devices. The official Android 6.0 for Huawei MediaPad M2 is a stable build and rolling through OTA. Manually you can Update MediaPad M2 to Marshmallow or Now you can wait for the OTA updates.

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The latest Huawei MediaPad M2 Marshmallow update packed with features like Now on Tap, Doze Mode, App Permissions and more. Some device to get specific changes like latest EMUI 4.0. The Android 6.0 Marshmallow update for MediaPad M2 available through OTA (over-the-air) and it is about 1.35GB in size. The update may format SD Card data, so we advise to take a backup before you Update Huawei MediaPad.


  • Your device must be on stock firmware and stock recovery.
  • This update is only for Huawei MediaPad M2 8.0.
  • It will format your data, but it is advisable to take a complete backup of your phone for secure side.
  • Make sure that your phone has at least 50-60% charged to prevent the accidental shutdown in-between the process.

Download Huawei MediaPad M2 Marshmallow Firmware

Marshmallow for Huawei Mediapad M2 M2-801L Users

Marshmallow OTA for Huawei Mediapad M2 M2-801W Users

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Huawei Mediapad M2 Marshmallow OTA for M2-802L Users

Huawei Mediapad M2 Marshmallow OTA for M2-803L Users

Steps to Manually Update Huawei MediaPad M2 to Marshmallow

First, download Android 6.0 for Huawei MediaPad M2 ROM according to your model number from above.

Now create a folder dload in the root of your internal storage or SD card and Copy the entire contents of the unzipped download package including in that folder. (For M2-801W you don’t need to extract the file)

Now go to the phone settings–>update and press the menu button.

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Now select choose Local update.

It will detect the and installation process will start.

Wait until the installation process is complete and then reboot your device., you have the latest firmware


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