swap two numbers without using a temporary variable-Bit Algorithm-Given two variables, x and y, swap two variables without using a third variable.
xor operator in c
C Programming Find position of the only set bit – Given a number having only one ‘1’ and all other ’0’s in its binary representation.
Given an unsigned integer, swap all odd bits with even bits. For example, if the given number is 23 (00010111), it should be converted to 43 (00101011).
Given an unsigned integer, swap all odd bits with even bits. For example, if the given number is 23 (00010111), it should be converted to 43 (00101011).
Write a one line C function to return position of first 1 from right to left, in binary representation of an Integer.
C Program to Reverse Bits of a Number – Bit Algorithm – Given an unsigned integer, reverse all bits of it and return the number with reversed bits.
Rotate bits of a number – Bit Algorithm – A rotation (or circular shift)is an operation similar to shift except that the bits that fall off at one end
Compute the integer absolute value without branching – Bit Algorithm – We need not do anything if a no is positive. We want to change only negative numbers.
Turn off the rightmost set bit – Bit Algorithm – Let the input number be n. n-1 would have all the bits flipped after the rightmost set bit .
Multiply a given Integer with 3.5 – Bit Algorithm – Given a integer x, write a function that multiplies x with 3.5 and returns the integer result.