Original Linked List
Result Linked List 1
Result Linked List 2
Python Programming:
# Python program to split circulart linked list into two halves
# A node structure
class Node:
# Constructor to create a new node
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.next = None
# Class to create a new Circular Linked list
class CircularLinkedList:
# Constructor to create a empty circular linked list
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
# Function to insert a node at the beginning of a
# circular linked list
def push(self, data):
ptr1 = Node(data)
temp = self.head
ptr1.next = self.head
# If linked list is not None then set the next of
# last node
if self.head is not None:
while(temp.next != self.head):
temp = temp.next
temp.next = ptr1
ptr1.next = ptr1 # For the first node
self.head = ptr1
# Function to print nodes in a given circular linked list
def printList(self):
temp = self.head
if self.head is not None:
print "%d" %(temp.data),
temp = temp.next
if (temp == self.head):
# Function to split a list (starting with head) into
# two lists. head1 and head2 are the head nodes of the
# two resultant linked lists
def splitList(self, head1, head2):
slow_ptr = self.head
fast_ptr = self.head
if self.head is None:
# If htere are odd nodes in the circular list then
# fast_ptr->next becomes head and for even nodes
# fast_ptr->next->next becomes head
while(fast_ptr.next != self.head and
fast_ptr.next.next != self.head ):
fast_ptr = fast_ptr.next.next
slow_ptr = slow_ptr.next
# If there are event elements in list then
# move fast_ptr
if fast_ptr.next.next == self.head:
fast_ptr = fast_ptr.next
# Set the head pointer of first half
head1.head = self.head
# Set the head pointer of second half
if self.head.next != self.head:
head2.head = slow_ptr.next
# Make second half circular
fast_ptr.next = slow_ptr.next
# Make first half circular
slow_ptr.next = self.head
# Driver program to test above functions
# Initialize lists as empty
head = CircularLinkedList()
head1 = CircularLinkedList()
head2 = CircularLinkedList()
print "Original Circular Linked List"
# Split the list
head.splitList(head1 , head2)
print "\nFirst Circular Linked List"
print "\nSecond Circular Linked List"
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Original Circular Linked List
11 2 56 12
First Circular Linked List
11 2
Second Circular Linked List
56 12