In Java, LinkedList class implements the list interface.
This class consists of the following methods :
1. boolean add(Object element) : It appends the element to the end of the list.
2. void add(int index, Object element): It inserts the element at the position ‘index’ in the list.
3. void addFirst(Object element) : It inserts the element at the beginning of the list.
4. void addLast(Object element) : It appends the element at the end of the list.
5. boolean contains(Object element) : It returns true if the element is present in the list.
6. Object get(int index) : It returns the element at the position ‘index’ in the list. It throws ‘IndexOutOfBoundsException’ if the index is out of range of the list.
7. int indexOf(Object element) : If element is found, it returns the index of the first occurrence of the element. Else, it returns -1.
8. Object remove(int index) : It removes the element at the position ‘index’ in this list. It throws ‘NoSuchElementException’ if the list is empty.
9. int size() : It returns the number of elements in this list.
10. void clear() : It removes all of the elements from the list.
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Output :
Linked list : [D, A, E, B, C, F, G] Linked list after deletion: [A, E, F] List contains the element 'E' Size of linked list = 3 Element returned by get() : F Linked list after change : [A, E, Y][ad type=”banner”]