Terminal: A physical device that was connected to a computer to give access to a shell. you would have a large mainframe computer with many “dumb terminals” connected to it…
15 Articles
<command> : Runs the process within the Terminal’s current bash instance, in the background (i.e. the process is listed as a bash background job and stdin, stdout and stderr are…
Purpose of the lost+found folder: This directory is for recovering files which are not properly closed due to many reason such as power failure. The lost+found folder contains the files…
CTRL+S essentially does XOFF, which means the terminal will accept key strokes but won’t show the output of anything. It will act as if your terminal is dead when it’s…
Generally we can Zip/compress the entire folder / Whole Linux or UNIX Directory Compressing a whole linux/UNIX directory is easy, certainly in terms of technical basis it is called as…