JAVA Program Count 1’s in a sorted binary array – Searching and Sorting – A simple solution is to linearly traverse the array. The time complexity of the simple solution is O(n). We can use Binary Search to find count in O(Logn) time.
Sorted array
PYTHON Program Count 1’s in a sorted binary array – Searching and Sorting – A simple solution is to linearly traverse the array. The time complexity of the simple solution is O(n). We can use Binary Search to find count in O(Logn) time.
C++ Program Count 1’s in a sorted binary array – Searching and Sorting – A simple solution is to linearly traverse the array. The time complexity of the simple solution is O(n). We can use Binary Search to find count in O(Logn) time.
JAVA programming – Given a sorted array and a number x, find the pair in array whose sum is closest to x – Searching and sorting – Given a sorted array and a number x, find a pair in array whose sum is closest to x.
C++ programming – Given a sorted array and a number x, find the pair in array whose sum is closest to x – Searching and sorting – Given a sorted array and a number x, find a pair in array whose sum is closest to x.
C programming – Given a sorted array and a number x, find the pair in array whose sum is closest to x – Searching and sorting.- Given a sorted array. find a pair in array whose sum is closest to x.
C++ Programming-Find common elements in three sorted arrays – Searching and sorting – A simple solution is to first find intersection of two arrays and store the intersection in a temporary array, then find the intersection of third array and temporary array.
JAVA Programming-Find common elements in three sorted arrays – Searching and sorting – A simple solution is to first find intersection of two arrays and store the intersection in a temporary array, then find the intersection of third array and temporary array.
Find the closest pair from two sorted arrays – Searching and Sorting – Given two sorted arrays and a number x, find the pair whose sum is closest to x and the pair has an element from each array.
Search in an almost sorted array – Searching and Sorting – A simple solution is linearly search given key in given array.Time complexity of solution is O(n).We cab modify binary search to do it in O(Logn) time.