Java Program Print BST keys in the given range – Binary Search Tree – Given two values k1 and k2 (where k1 < k2) and a root pointer to a Binary Search Tree.
Data Structures
Interesting Method to Generate Binary Numbers from 1 to n Given a number n, write a function that generates and prints all binary numbers
Python Algorithm- Delete a Linked List node at a given position – Linked List If node to be deleted is root, simply delete it. To delete a middle node
Quick Sort on Doubly Linked List – Doubly Linked List – The partition function for linked list is also similar to partition for arrays.
C++ Algorithm – Length of the longest valid sub string – Stack – Given a string consisting of opening and closing parenthesis.
Generic Linked List in C – Linked List – Unlike C++ and Java, C doesn’t support generics. How to create a linked list in C that can be used.
C/C++ Programming Maximum of all sub arrays of size k Given an array and an integer k, find the maximum for each and every contiguous sub array of size k.
How to efficiently implement k stacks in a single array – Stack – We have discussed space efficient implementation of 2 stacks in a single array.
Clone a linked list with next and random pointer – Doubly linked list – You are given a Double Link List with one pointer of each node pointing.
C++ Algorithm – Delete a Linked List node at a given position – Linked List – If node to be deleted is root, simply delete it. To delete a middle node