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PHP –  Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely used, server-side scripting language but also a general-purpose scripting language that is most suited for web development. The original PHP project, as invented by Rasmus Lerdorf, stood for Personal Home Page. Nowadays, it stands for the recursive acronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

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htmlentities(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7) htmlentities — Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities Description : [pastacode lang=”markup” manual=”string%20htmlentities%20(%20string%20%24string%20%5B%2C%20int%20%24flags%20%3D%20ENT_COMPAT%20%7C%20ENT_HTML401%20%5B%2C%20string%20%24encoding%20%3D%20ini_get(%22default_charset%22)%20%5B%2C%20bool%20%24double_encode%20%3D%20true%20%5D%5D%5D%20)%0A” message=”Html Code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/] [ad type=”banner”] This function is identical…

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PROBLEM: ubuntu-11.04 When we try http://localhost/phpmyadmin/  We get this error on my browser SOLUTION 1: You will need to configure your apache2.conf [pastacode lang=”php” manual=”gksu%20gedit%20%2Fetc%2Fapache2%2Fapache2.conf%20%0A” message=”php code” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/] You…

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PHP define() vs const

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PHP define() Function Definition and Usage: The define() function defines a constant. Constants are much like variables, except for the following differences: A constant’s value cannot be changed after it…

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