Cpp Algorithm – Implement two stacks in an array – Data Structure – Create a data structure twoStacks that represents two stacks.
C++ programming
C++ Algorithm – Find Length of a Linked List both Iterative and Recursive – Linked List – Write a C function to count number of nodes in a given singly
C++ Programming-Find a specific pair in Matrix-Matrix
Given an n x n matrix mat[n][n] of integers, find the maximum value of mat(c, d)
Cpp Algorithm – Delete a Linked List node at a given position – Linked List – Given a singly linked list and a position, delete a linked list
C++ Programming – Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray – Dynamic Programming Write a program to find the sum of contiguous subarray within one-dimensional array
Cp++ Algorithm – Deleting a node in Linked List – Linked List – We have discussed Linked List Introduction and Linked List Insertion in previous
C++ Algorithm -Introduction to Stack – Data Structure – Stack is a linear data structure which follows a particular order in which the operations
C++ program How to turn off a particular bit in a number-Bit Algorithm-Given a number n and a value k, turn of the k’th bit in n.
C++ Programming – Ugly Numbers – Dynamic Programming Ugly numbers are numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 or 5. Every step we choose the smallest one
Check if a number is multiple of 9 using bitwise operators – Bit Algorithm – Given a number n, write a function that returns true if n is divisible by 9.