Cryptocurrencies have been in the news lately, and there’s a lot of confusion about them — so much so that some people think they’re not real money or all just scams. However, cryptocurrencies ​​using Bitcoin and Ethereum have serious potential to be useful currencies and have the power to change how we see money in the future.

Below are some reasons you should consider including cryptocurrencies in your investment portfolio today, even if you can only afford to invest very little money into this new market. Read on to know more in detail!

  • They Are Relatively Safe

Many financial investors are wary of investing their money in cryptocurrencies as they don’t understand the mechanism working behind them. However, the more educated you are about something, the less risky it becomes. Sure, you can invest your money into anything with risk – but let’s face it. There is a lot less to worry about when investing in cryptocurrencies compared to other alternatives.

  • They Can Help You Diversify Your Portfolio

Many people are familiar with the saying don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Having cryptocurrencies as part of your investment portfolio can help reduce risks and make it easier to stay invested through thick and thin. Cryptocurrencies are considered a suitable alternative to stocks or commodities. However, some investors also view these digital currencies as investments for the future.

  • There Are Now More Than 1,500 Cryptocurrencies On The Market (And Counting!)

It is not as difficult to learn about the different cryptocurrencies as you might think, and with more than 1,500 on the market at this point, it can be hard to know where to start. For example, those who want exposure to some of the more popular cryptos could purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin with their brokerage account.

Alternatively, investors may purchase a contract for difference that gives them exposure without actually owning any coins themselves. These are just a few of the reasons why cryptocurrency investment has become so popular. While they may not replace stocks and bonds as an investor’s first choice anytime soon, they have been proven safe with positive performance.

  • You Can Buy Into Them Without Incurring High Trading Fees

This sets cryptocurrencies apart from stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Trading fees on stocks and mutual funds can be prohibitively high, meaning you will pay way more than your fair share to enter or exit the trade. This can mean anything from $10-100 just to buy a stock online or trade it and then often another $7-25 each time after that. You don’t pay anything to enter or exit a cryptocurrency trade with Coinbase.

  • They Offer An Alternative Way To Store Value

If you are seeking a viable alternative to traditional investing methods that can provide a hedge against economic uncertainty, consider adding cryptocurrency investments to your portfolio. Cryptocurrencies offer an alternative way to store value. Simply by possessing Bitcoin, for example, you can transfer your wealth across borders with reduced fees and a shortened timeline.

  • Bitcoin ATMs Will Be Everywhere Eventually

As Bitcoin ATMs continue to become more popular, expect them to pop up everywhere. Get on board now! For convenience, these kiosks will be placed in high-traffic areas such as malls, supermarkets, and bus stations, locations we frequent daily. The next time you stop at your local grocery store to grab a pack of gum or chat with a friend on the way home from work, you’ll likely have the option of using a Bitcoin ATM if it’s available.


Adding cryptocurrencies to your investment portfolio can seem scary if you are new to the game. But remember, the cryptocurrency space is changing at a rapid pace, and making sure that you stay current will help you find long-term success. The aforementioned reasons why it’s important to diversify your investments with this dynamic new asset class.

Finally, if you are looking for a new way to trade and invest in national digital currencies like digital Yuan, try your hands out at This is a national cryptocurrency of China is much stable as compared to other cryptos in the market. So, don’t delay your journey, statr your investment today.

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