
Artificial intelligence, or ‘AI’, is emerging technology that is already beginning to revolutionize how commercial operators go about online business.

The website automated assistant, or ‘chatbot’, is becoming commonplace across a range of websites engaged in all manner of business and recreational activity. Chatbots are the tip of the iceberg as far as AI is concerned, but they are a singular feature that can potentially lift a business website to the next level as far as customer service and satisfaction is concerned.

What exactly is a chatbot?

Basically, a chatbot behaves like an automated customer service assistant – responding to online customer inquiries in real-time, in much the same way as a human advisor would.

The chatbot achieves this realism by employing a natural language processing system to interpret key words input by a site visitor and provide a reasoned response. The system employs the principle of machine learning – in other words, it refines its behavior to improve performance as it develops a history of client interactions.

This makes the chatbot autonomous, and the system thus works independently of a human operator.

Applications for website chatbots

Most site users will by now recognize the virtual assistant chat window on an increasing number of websites. This is the typical chatbot interface, however, the potential applications of this AI technology are growing steadily.

For gaming sites such as, which aim to replicate a physical environment in the virtual world, this AI technology can be rendered as a graphical virtual depiction of a human equivalent – customer servants, attendants, croupiers, and service staff can be virtualized courtesy of this developing technology.

It is estimated that as much as 80% of all business websites will potentially employ some degree of AI technology on websites in the next five years.

The benefits of AI chatbot technology

A number of significant benefits can be realized via the use of AI chatbot technology, including:

Faster problem resolution. A chatbot working 24/7 on a website can deal with customer enquiries and problems as and when they arise. As a ‘front line’ system, the virtual assistant will likely solve many customer queries on the spot, thus preventing the need for human intervention. More complex issues can be filtered to a traditional customer service team for review and resolution.

Increased customer satisfaction. It is human nature to want a problem or inquiry resolved immediately, and the virtual assistant provides this opportunity. This response, albeit coming from an AI chatbot rather than a human, has the potential to drive higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Hold site visitors and increase engagement. Once a potential customer has arrived at a site, the ability to hold them onsite is crucial. By engaging visitors, the AI chatbot increases the potential of a website to hold a client and direct them toward a sale or conclusion.

Reduce costs. The deployment of an AI system potentially means cost savings on employees’ wages bills for many service businesses. Furthermore, live agents are freed up to attend to vital matters or spend more time with problem resolution where human intervention is more appropriate.


The chatbot phenomenon is extending its reach rapidly, and potential applications for this emerging AI technology abound. It will greatly benefit the business owner to take a deeper look into the applicability of AI for their industry sector to stay ahead of the competition.

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