How can we get the first n characters of a string in PHP? What’s the fastest way to trim a string to a specific number of characters, and append ‘…’ if needed?

//The simple version for 10 Characters from the beginning of the string.

javascript code
$string = substr($string,0,10).'...‘


  • Based on suggestion for checking length (and also ensuring similar lengths on trimmed and untrimmed strings):
javascript code
$string = (strlen($string) > 13) ? substr($string,0,10).'...' : $string;
  • So you will get a string of max 13 characters; either 13 (or less) normal characters or 10 characters followed by ‘…’

Update 2:

Or as function:

javascript code
function truncate($string, $length, $dots = "...") 
return (strlen($string) > $length) ? substr($string, 0, $length - strlen($dots)) . $dots : $string;
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  • We prefer this function which prevents breaking the string in the middle of a word using the wordwrap function:
javascript code
function truncate($string,$length=100,$append="…") 
$string = trim($string);

if(strlen($string) > $length)
$string = wordwrap($string, $length);
$string = explode("\n", $string, 2);
$string = $string[0] . $append;

return $string;

  • This has been built into PHP since version 4.0.6.

from the docs:

javascript code
echo mb_strimwidth("Hello World", 0, 10, "...");

// outputs Hello W...
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  • The Multibyte extension can come in handy, if you need control over the string charset.
javascript code
$charset = 'UTF-8';
$length = 10;
$string = 'Hai to yoo! I like yoo soo!';
if(mb_strlen($string, $charset) > $length)
$string = mb_substr($string, 0, $length - 3, $charset) . '...';

  • Sometimes, you need to limit the string to the last complete word ie: you don’t want the last word to be broken instead you stop with the second last word.
  • eg: we need to limit “This is my String” to 6 chars but instead of ‘This i…” we want it to be ‘This…” ie we will skip that broken letters in the last word.
javascript code
class Fun 

public function limit_text($text, $len)
if (strlen($text) < $len)
return $text;
$text_words = explode(' ', $text);
$out = null;
foreach ($text_words as $word)
if ((strlen($word) > $len) && $out == null)
return substr($word, 0, $len) . "...";
if ((strlen($out) + strlen($word)) > $len)
return $out . "...";
$out.=" " . $word;
return $out;


  • If you want to cut being careful to don’t split words you can do the following
javascript code
function ellipse($str,$n_chars,$crop_str=' [...]')
if(strlen($buff) > $n_chars)
$cut_index=strpos($buff,' ',$n_chars);
$buff=substr($buff,0,($cut_index===false? $n_chars: $cut_index+1)).$crop_str;
return $buff;
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  • if $str is shorter than $n_chars returns it untouched.
  • If $str is equal to $n_chars returns it as is as well.
  • if $str is longer than $n_chars then it looks for the next space to cut or (if no more spaces till the end) $str gets cut rudely instead at $n_chars.

NOTE: be aware that this method will remove all tags in case of HTML.

  • substr() would be best, you’ll also want to check the length of the string first.
javascript code
$str = 'someLongString';
$max = 7;

if(strlen($str) > $max)
$str = substr($str, 0, $max) . '...';
  • wordwrap won’t trim the string down, just split it up…

  • Here we use function:
javascript code
 function str_short($string,$limit)
return $crop_len=$crop_temp."...";
return $string;
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  •  you just call the function with string and limit.
  • eg: str_short(“hahahahahah”,5);
  • it will cut of your string and add “…” at the end.

Sample code:

javascript code
function cutAfter($string, $len = 30, $append = '...') 
return (strlen($string) > $len) ?
substr($string, 0, $len - strlen($append)) . $append :


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