Telegram has its own popular user base. Although WhatsApp is taken into account because the best messaging service, Telegram is much ahead when it involves features and security. The famous dark theme arrived for the Telegram users way before the WhatsApp even unrolled in beta. Telegram is additionally safe when it involves user security and provides several options to the user to safeguard themselves online while using the Telegram application. However, there are certain issues that users have reported while logging in and if you’re also one such user then, you’re at the proper place.
As during this post, we’ll guide you on the way to fix common Telegram login problems and their dedicated solutions to them. Though Telegram may be a wonderful messaging app that I personally prefer over the WhatsApp but, certain login issues are quite common with any messaging app and during this post, we’ll guide you on the way to fix those. So, with none further ado, allow us to get straight into the article itself:
Common Telegram Login Problems and Solutions
You can troubleshoot several log-in related issues on the Telegram by following the below-mentioned guide:
Did not receive a login code
There are certain issues where users have reported not receiving the login code to enter and log in to use the Telegram application. an easy workaround is that if you’re logged in to a different device then, Telegram sends you the code via Telegram and not via SMS. This negates the likelihood of your poor network connection and problems with having different mobile numbers. you only got to sign up to the device where you’re logged in.
In case you’ve got not received the code, you’ll use the choice “Haven’t received the code?” and request the code via SMS. you’ll even request Telegram to allow you to know your code via call also .
Too many attempts
The Too many attempts error shows up once you have attempted to log in with a wrong code multiple times recently. during this case, you ought to await 24 hours before you’ll log in again. Moreover, if you’re also eager to know what’s the particular time left before you’ll plow ahead and log in then, you’ll visit and plan to check in , then click on the “show technical details” then it’ll show you the timer with the precise amount of your time that you simply got to wait before you’ll log in.
Limit exceeded or Internal server error
If you’ve got deleted your accounts too repeatedly then, you’ll be shown error like limit exceeded or internal server error. you would like to easily got to wait a few of weeks before you’ll plow ahead and check out signing up.
Banned telephone number or Your phone was banned
If while logging in, the Telegram shows you a mistake message of Banned telephone number or your phone was banned then and you think that that it’s been accidentally done then, you’ll report this issue by sending a DM on Twitter together with your phone number: @smstelegram.