If you regularly browse the Play store for new on the spot messenger apps, possibilities are that you understand about Telegram. Yes, the only that came out in 2013, no longer the one from the preceding century. Telegram became one of the first messengers to bring in encrypted messaging to the hundreds, something which rival WhatsApp took years to offer. Even though you received’t locate it on everybody’s phone, Telegram nonetheless has some pretty amazing cool tricks up its sleeves. Considered one of them is the potential to use programmed chat services, or certainly chat bots.

So, you are likely wondering that how will chat bots gain you? well, there are lot of factors wherein a number of those bots are better than their app counterparts. We bring you the 10 best Telegram Bots that can change the way you use Telegram:


Need to share Wikipedia links to your “friends” group for class assignments? Well, you can use the @wiki bot for that. You can type @wiki followed by your search term and select the desired link. The Wikipedia link will be sent to your contacts or group. This is an inline bot, meaning that you can use it directly from your contact’s chat thread.


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There are a few movies on YouTube that draw your attention, not like anything you have ever seen and make you need to share them along with your contacts. Properly, Telegram’s @vid bot helps you to search for a YouTube video and share the hyperlink together with your friends. You could do that by means of genuinely typing @vid observed by way of your search question and select the desired video link.



You need to go out for a movie together with your buddy but each of you could’t decide what to watch. The @imdb bot can help right here by means of letting you search for movie details from IMDb and ship it on your buddy. You simply must type @imdb, followed by using the film name and choose the result from the list. The IMDb movie info will be despatched to your contacts.



GIFs are always quite fun, as they help you express your emotions. You can send cool GIFs to your friends in Telegram by typing @gif followed by your search query, and select a suitable GIF from the list. The bot will send the GIF to your friend from giphy.com.


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It is said that pictures speak a thousand words. If you want to express your emotions through pictures to your Telegram contact, you can do that with the @bing image search bot. Use the tag @bing followed by your search query and select the desired image from the list. The chosen image will then be sent.

It is stated that photographs speak 1000 phrases. In case you want to explicit your feelings through pics for your Telegram touch, you could try this with the @bing photo search bot. Use the tag @bing observed with the aid of your seek query and pick out the favored photo from the list. The selected photo will then be despatched.



Sometimes, a simple text message isn’t enough. On Telegram, you can express more effectively through various formatting styles to make the messages as impactful as possible. The @bold bot does just that. Type in @bold before your message & select your desired formatting style. You can format your text in bold, italics and Fixedsys styles.



Telegram is full of hundreds of thrilling bots that you ought to discover. There’s an reliable Telegram store Bot that facilitates you do exactly that. You could type @storebot within the message box, which generates a list of all of the bots in Telegram after which faucet on a bot to ship its hyperlink to anyone. You could also use the Telegram seek box to open a different chat thread with this @storebot and read via the endless listing of bots. The commands to engage with the bot are quite simple, smooth and nicely laid out, which make bot hunting on Telegram plenty more amusing.



Want to flaunt your gaming expertise in front of your pals? Fine, you could play games in the Telegram app itself. kind in @gamebot and choose a recreation from the listing to play along with your touch. You could pick out from Math conflict, Corsairs and Lumber Jack. you may play the game with your contacts or play in single mode through the bot’s chat thread. You may even compare the rankings together with your contacts. There are other sport bots available too, like @gamee and @Gamee_bot, with numerous different video games to battle it out with your contacts.



The @mokubot is a very helpful and productive bot. It lets you get results from Google Search, Google Images, Google Maps, Google Translate, YouTube, Reddit, Wikipedia, IMDb and many more services in one chat thread. It provides you with its own set of tag-based commands (like /lastfm) to get the best out of its abilities. You can search for it in the Telegram search bar (the bot’s name is otouto). It is surely a practical addition to the chatting experience on Telegram and you should definitely try it out.


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Sure, you guessed it proper. this is a bot which could placed Prisma filters to your images. It presents you with certain filters to apply on your snap shots. All you need to do is send your photograph on the bot’s chat thread and you will get your photo again, processed inside the Prisma style.


Make the most out of Telegram with these cool bots

So, these are definitely some of the best Telegram bots. We had a good time trying these out and were hugely impressed. However, there are many other bots in Telegram, waiting for your attention. All of them are unique in their own ways and represent the individual visions of various budding programmers.

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