Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Email: [email protected]

  • Creative, results driven technology nearly 7+ years of experience in the areas of Strategy Plan, execute full lifecycle software development .Net Framework Write well designed, testable, efficient code, produce specifications and determine operational feasibility.
  • 1.5 years of professional experience in Silverlight4.0with c# as Developer Responsible for understanding, analysing, Designing, Developing and troubleshooting HMS (Hospital Management Service) Project
  • 1 year Involved in Design and Development of HRMS project according to the client specifications and requirements. Developed using ASP .Net (MVC3), jQuery for Event handling, HTML5
  • 4-year development experience in BH (Bright Horizons -Compass) project, Based on the client specifications and requirements. Developed using ASP .Net (MVC5), jQuery for Event handling, HTML5, CSLA, WCF for interface with Microsoft CRM Entity in Child Care, Web API
  • Experience in development of Angular JS Project.
  • Extensive experience in SQL Server 2008 R2 and other utilities such as Database maintained, SQL Query Developer
  • Extensive experience in developing Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Views, Cursors, Packages and Exceptions.
WPF Developer

Company Name, Location – September 2017 to Present


  • Developed the rich visual components through WPF using XAML and Expression Blend.
  • Used Binding, Styles, Data Template, Control Template, Routed Events, Converters, Layout Panels in XAML
  • Created Rich Text-box Custom Control by combining different controls from Telerik
  • Implemented Context Menu in all the text-boxes of the application.
  • Used ADO.NET Entity Framework and Linq to Object to connect to SQL server database from Repositories classes for retrieving, manipulating,querying, storing data from the database.
  • Wrote complex Stored Procedures using joins
  • Wrote Unit test cases using Visual Studio test tools
  • Implemented Re-sharper to maintain business standards.
  • Utilized TFS for source control and CI build.
.Net Developer

Company Name, Location -May 2016 to March 2017

  • Designed UI screens and implemented application logic using ASP.NET and C
  • Extensively used Validation Controls and Custom validation control to validate Web forms
  • Utilized Form Based Authentication for the Application as a .NET Security measure by providing a login page
  • Extensively used generic List functions for the flexibility.
  • Involved in the designing of the Data Access Layer and Business Layer modules
  • Implemented LINQ to SQL to connect with the SQL Server database and implemented LINQ to Object for retrieving, manipulating and querying data.
  • Created and consumed Web Services
  • Experience working with AJAX in web pages for asynchronous communication and for great user experience
  • Involved in Unit testing and Code Reviews
  • Created classes to display custom, user-friendly error messages
Assistant Software Engineer

Company Name, Location – April 2015

  • As Developer primary responsibilities is Design UI(silverlight), Asp .Net(HTML) and Developing WCF Service for data exchanging between communication UI and Database
  • Attention to detail, customer-service orientation, and creativity in problem-solving.
  • Advanced Knowledge in Silver light ,Expression Blend,ASP .Net(MVC3),C#,SQL Server 05& 08, JQuery.
  • Knowledge and demonstrated experience with cross-browser and cross-platform issues (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
Master of Computer ApplicationsCollege Name-Location201485%
Bachelor of Science in MathematicsCollege Name-Location201275%
HSCSchool Name-Location200977%
SSLCSchool Name-Location



  • .NET (1 year)
  • C# (1 year), CRM (1 year)
  • xamrin
  • wpf, entity framework
  • sliverlight
  • Angularjs, MVC5
  • web api, C#, sql 2008

Programming languages: C++, C#
Microsoft Technologies: C#.Net, Silverlight 4.0, WPF, ASP .Net (MVC4, 5), CRM,
Database: MS SQL Server 2008 R2
Markup Language: HTML5
Service: WCF
Framework: Angular js, CSLA.

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