A personal banker provides support for bank associates and oversees financial activities. Someone looking to enter into this field should have excellent interpersonal communication skills, a solid foundation in mathematics and finances, as well as knowledge of FTC rules and regulations. Little education is necessary to become a personal banker, but a degree through an accredited college or university in addition to licensing is recommended to increase job prospects. A personal banker resume should emphasize work related experience, such as internships or prior employment as a bank teller. Applicants who possess a degree in finance and appropriate licensing should also display that information. Listed below are several different personal banker resume format choices designed to suit varying degrees of experience within the field.

Entry Level Resume

Entry level personal bankers will likely have little job experience to list on a resume. In spite of a lack of experience, employers will still be willing to accept those who have obtained the appropriate degrees and licensing, or who can prove competency for the job. At this level, a resume should focus on math, computer, and communication skills, as well as organizational abilities and any completed internships. The personal banker resume example displayed below demonstrates Mr. Doyle’s enthusiasm for customer service and includes an internship experience.


4579 Wolfe Dr. Chicago, IL 60290

Tel: (773) 684-5279 / Email: [email]


Motivated, personable, and organized personal banker competent in financial services and customer service. Excellent math and communication skills. Possesses basic computing skills and knowledgeable in banking systems.


PNC BANK, Chicago, IL

Personal Banker

October 2014-Present

Mid Level Professional Resume

Resumes for mid-level personal bankers should have three to five years of experience. The personal banker resume sample below provides two different financial institutions Ms. Green has worked for, showing potential employers her dedication to the field. In addition to her work experience, Ms. Green also lists her notary license, which is common licensing for those who work within the banking industry.


3468 Harvard Blvd., Chicago, IL 60290

Home: (773) 642-4569 | Cell: (773) 645-6792 | [email]

Personal Banker

  • Detail-Oriented and Hardworking Personal Banker with excellent oral communication skills. Knowledgeable in the financial industry and conducting banking transactions. Personable and dedicated to providing high quality customer service.


  • Basic computer skills
  • Personal bank transactions
  • Loan administration
  • Credit management
  • Notarizing documents
  • Cold-call marketing
  • Stocks and securities
  • Fraud detection

Experienced Professional Resume

Experienced personal bankers should have at least seven years of experience within the financial industry. Specialized certifications and a college degree are both common at this level and conveys the message to potential employers that you are serious about this line of work. The personal banker resume sample provided below lists several different job experiences, along with Mr. Kacey’s college degree in accounting.



245 Hillard Blvd.

Cleveland, OH 44101

Cell: 216.792.2361


Attentive to Detail | Dedicated| Personable

Organized | Knowledgeable in Finance

Highly experienced and ambitious personal banker seeks a position to connect with clients and provide reliable financial services. Excellent computer and communication skills. Knowledgeable in investment and securities options. Proficient in FTC regulations and guidelines.


  • Securities and investments
  • Loans and lines of credit
  • Government issued savings bonds
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Safe deposit boxes
  • Documentation procedures
  • Fraud prevention
  • Currency exchange rates
  • Customer service
  • Interpersonal communication

Personal Banker

Chase Bank