
1234 Walker Street, Any town, ST 12345 (123) 456-7890  [email protected]


  • Seven years experience as a Business Analyst for a Fortune 500 corporation improving operational efficiency and reducing costs
  • Ten years experience working for a retail store in numerous capacities, from cashier to supervisor
  • Have supervised up to 16 employees at once and have trained dozens of subordinates
  • Have earned numerous performance-based promotions as a result of hard-work and accuracy
  • Highly proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, Visio, Project and Visual Basic 6.0 Hardware, Basic Computer Programming and numerous other software applications


Business Analyst II 04/99 – 04/06


  • Implemented numerous business optimization projects and reporting tools that improved efficiency, reduced expenses, labor costs, and maximized profit by automating outdated manual processes
  • Database administrator for the productivity application used within Operations and supported the program in a help desk-like format
  • Forecasted company’s expense accounts and assisted in vendor contract renewals and invoicing
  • Created slide presentations for quarterly business reviews for corporate-level management documenting business status, performance, and pending business initiatives
  • Worked with production managers to design and implement tools and controls to achieve performance goals and compiled and presented chart presentations to them on a regular basis comparing performance and quality trends against set goals
  • Member of team that moved payment processing operations from California to Arizona
  • Helped upgrade network from Windows NT / Office 97 to Windows / Office XP
  • Regularly trained cashiers on administrative procedures and equipment operation
  • Promoted rapidly from mailroom clerk to mailroom supervisor, to payment processor and trainer and then to Business Analyst II

Electronics Technician, GOODWILL INDUSTRIES, Anytown, ST 08/97 – 12/98

Diagnosed and repaired donated stereo equipment and video cassette recorders and prepared them for resale; completed custom computer upgrades for clients; and compiled weekly reports for management

Various Positions, REGIONAL DEPARTMENT STORE, Anytown, ST 08/96 – 05/97

  • Learned many aspects of retail store operations working in various capacities as the result of promotions: (1) cashier; (2) sales person in home entertainment, appliances and hardware departments; (3) service desk clerk; (4) front end supervisor; (5) receiving and stocking; and (6) returns clerk
  • Proficient in handling many routine administrative procedures such as layaways, returns, rain checks and returning damaged merchandise to vendors
  • Routinely supervised up to 16 cashiers and trained numerous employees on department store procedures and equipment usage
  • Increased fulfillment and reduced turnaround time by computerizing the rain check function
  • Worked diligently to ensure that manufacturers received credit for defective merchandise and minimize losses

Note: Since 2000, have operated a small, part-time business working nights and weekends as a professional wedding photographer and DJ at various events