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E-mail Id : peter*****


Seeking a responsible and challenging position in a growth-oriented progressive organization where my experience and skills will significantly contribute to the overall success of the organization and provide opportunities for my career growth.

Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
Master’s Degree – Computer ScienceCollege Name-Location201585%
Bachelor’s Degree – Computer ScienceCollege Name-Location201375%
HSCSchool Name-Location200987%
SSLCSchool Name-Location



  • HTML5 (6 years), jQuery (5 years)
  • VISUAL STUDIO (4 years), Git (4 years)
  • JAVASCRIPT (1 year)
  • Angular Js (5 years), Vue Js (Less than 1 year), React Js (1 year)
  • CSS3 (5 years), Bootstrap (6 years)
  • Leadership Development (3 years)
  • Python (Less than 1 year), hybrid Mobile app Development (3 years)
  • Wordpres (4 years), Ionic (3 years)
Software Engineer

Company Name,Location – From 2017 to Present


  • Analyzing Business Requirement and Developing Business Logic by programming in HTML5, CSS3, JS, Angular JS.
  • Suggested modifications for project growth by analysis and evaluation of performance results.
  • Participated in processes of analysis of requirements, coding of programs and integration services.
  • Resolved software production related issues and problems by troubleshooting and resolution.
  • Prepared stored procedures and T-SQL queries from sources of MS SQL server databases.
  • Conducted various testing of operations such as system testing, functional testing and unit testing.


  • Development Tools: Phonegap(Cordova 3.6), Sublime Editor, Eclipse, ADT.
  • Technology: HTML5, CSS3, JS, JQuery, Angular JS, Odata Webservices Integration, JSON, AJAX, SMP 3.0
  • Platforms: IOS, ANDROID, WINDOWS.
Associate Web Developer

Company Name,Location – September 2016 to April 2017


  • Provided technical assistance for designing, development and engineering of applications.
  • Participated in all phases of significant projects in coordination with senior management and staff.
  • Prepared multiple templates by development of user control processes and various pages.
  • Conducted business meetings for gathering of requirements and preparation of designs for customers.
  • Assisted in development of maintainable and tested codes in JavaScript languages.
  • Coordinated with technical team for designing and improvement of Extensions library resources.


  • Development Tools: Sublime Text Editor, GIT
  • Technology: HTML 5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, BOOTSTRAP3
Software Engineer Trainee

Company Name,Location – January 2016 to August 2016


  • Analyzing Business Requirement and Developing Business Logic by programming in HTML5, CSS3, JS, C#.
  • Assisted in formulation and clear definition of system objectives and overall scope.
  • Resolved complex problems in computer systems by development and modifications of existing processes.
  • Suggested new innovative technologies for proper usage of electronic interfaces.
  • Conducted investigation of system needs with applications of advanced engineering designs and methodology.


  • Development Tools: MS.Net Framework, Asp.Net, C#.
  • Database: SQL Server 2008.
  • Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JqueryMobile, Angular Js (1.5, 2, 4), React Js, WordPress, Backbone Js,
  • Development Tools and Frameworks: Web Storm, Visual Studio, Sublime Text Editor2, Phonegap, GIT , SourceTree, SVN, BOOTSTRAP(3.3.7, 4),
  • Database Technologies & Tools: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Oracle- DBA 9i.
  • Operating Systems: Mac IOS, Windows 7, 8 & 10, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2007.

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