EMail-Id:[email protected]
Contact No:9854658210

  • Ruby on Rails developer with 8 years of experience in Requirements Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Production using Ruby on Rails and other Web Application frameworks.
  • Expertise in development of web applications using Ruby, Java, JavaScript, JQuery, JDBC, JSP, Struts, HTML, CSS and AJAX.
  • Experience in Agile Development, Git Hub, Amazon EC2, Amazon AWS and Heroku.
  • Proficient in developing front-end systems with JavaScript, JQuery, SASS, Angular JS, Backbone JS and Bootstrap CSS.
  • Strong experience in using Web Services Technologies like SOAP, UDDI, XML and WSDL.
  • Experience with Test Driven Development using Rspec, Cucumber, Jasmine, AngularJS testing using Protractor.
  • Knowledge on Angular 2.
  • Strong working experience in Design, Development and implementation of several frameworks like Rails framework, Struts MVC, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, and Hibernate.
  • Experience in Ruby on Rails, Search Engines like Solr, Exalead and JQuery, JIRA, HTML5, Crucible and Advanced JS.
  • Strong implementation knowledge of Object Oriented Analysis and Design using Agile and Scrum methodologies.
  • Expertise in MySQL, SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and Oracle including SQL or PL/SQL, Stored Procedures.
  • Experience with Application Servers and Web Servers such as BEA Web Logic Server, JBoss Server, WEBrick, IBM Web Sphere and Apache Tomcat.
  • Masters in Information Technology in Information Technology Campbellsville University KY inJanuary 2012
  • JSON (7 years)
  • Ruby (7 years), Rails (7 years)
  • AJAX (5 years), CSS (7 years),
  • Javascript (Less than 1 year)
  • Jquery (Less than 1 year)
1) Sr. Ruby on Rails Developer

Bank of America – Dallas, TX – January 2018 to Present


  • Developed Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture based Web Applications in Ruby on Rails, BackboneJS and ReactJS.
  • Creating new online products via Spree Commerce.
  • Proficient in developing front-end systems using JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS3.
  • Integrated the Braintree payment system, Firebase real-time database platform, Spree e- Commerce platform.
  • Involved in Database Migration using Active Records, also involved in using Action Controller, Active Resources, Fixtures and Action View in Rails.
  • Implemented AJAX driven UI Elements that were more agile and faster.
  • Involved in the design and implementation of the front-end for the RubyCAS.
  • Designed and developed RESTful style web services to manipulate dynamic datasets using AJAX calls.
  • Implemented Authentication with Devise gem and configured the application according to the requirements.
  • Involved in modelling complex database table and relationships.
2) Sr. Ruby on Rails Developer

Equifax – St. Louis, MO – April 2016 to December 2017


  • Developed and implemented the web application using Ruby on Rails framework.
  • The App is configured through store management and the data are pulled through Spree Commerce database using the rails Server API..
  • Developed and tested many features in an AGILE environment using Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS JavaScript, Bootstrap, Rspec and Cucumber.
  • Involved in developing the screens for Delete, Edit, Enable, Disable and Impersonate Users in web application.
  • Designed the front end application using Rails, CSS and JQuery.
  • Implemented and enhanced CRUD operations for the applications using the MVC architecture of Rails framework and Ruby conducting code reviews.
  • Managed code with unit tests and GitHub.
  • Used JavaScript and XML to update a portion of a web page.
3) Java /Ruby on Rails Developer

Bio-Rad Labs – Hercules, CA – December 2010 to March 2011


  • Involved in gathering requirements and built technical specifications from the requirements.
  • Developed front-end screens using Struts to serve as data entry screen and for business logic.
  • Involved in client-side validations using JavaScript for login and registration forms to both the petitioners and employees.
  • Designed UML Class Diagrams and Use Case Diagrams to understand the code easily.
  • Used Servlets to implement Business Logic with JSP.
  • Provided connections using JDBC to the database and developed SQL queries to manipulate the data.
  • Developed the ANT Script for building the application and deploying on JBoss Application Server.
  • Involved in developing and implementation of the web application using Ruby on Rails.
  • Participated in a back-end and front-end development of the Rails application.

Technical Skills:-

  • Web Technologies: JQuery , CSS, XML, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, ReactJS, Backbone, Sinatra, AngularJS
  • Databases: Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Sqlite, MongoDB, MYSQL
  • Application/Web Servers: WebRick, Unicorn, Apache, Puma, Thin, JBoss
  • IDE/Version Control System: GIT, SVN, Ruby Mine, Text Mate, Rational Rose
  • Framework: Rails, Struts, Spring, Hibernate
  • Testing/ Logging Tools: Rspec, Junit, Test Unit, Capybara, Rft, MiniTest
  • Deployment Tools: Amazon EC2, Heroku
  • Operating System: Windows, Linux, Ubuntu
  • IDE’s & Utilities: Notepad++, Eclipse, Sublime, Aptana, Nitrous
  • Methodologies: SCRUM, Agile, Waterfall


 Ruby On Rails Developer Resume Samples 2

  • Develop new features, and work to maintain the existing application framework (ROR)
  • Developing solutions in Ruby, based on customer’s requirement
  • Have a strong understanding of: Ruby, Ruby on Rails; Web application development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap
  • Participating as a member of an agile team to deliver a software application
  • Experience in creating, maintaining and improving RESTful APIs
  • Good understand of the relational databases and SQL language, AJAX
  • Managed code with unit tests and GitLab
  • Working exposure on Unix/Linux Operating System
  • The ability to take the initiative, able to deliver high-quality work with minimal oversight
  • Experience and interested in Front end Development
  • Good communication skills and a team player
Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
BE in Information Science and EngineeringSAMS College of Engineering and Technology – Chennai201590%
HSCK.C.S Higher Secondary School200984%
SSLCF.E.S Higher Secondary School



  • Ruby On Rails (1 years)
  • AJAX (1 years), CSS (1 years)
  • Javascript
  • Rspec (Less than 1 year)
  • Sinatra (Less than 1 year), Linux
1) Web Developer/ Ruby on Rails Developer

Samsung Inc  – February 2013 to March 2015

Roles Played:

  • Involved in developing and implementation of the web application using Ruby on Rails.
  • Developed and tested many features for dashboard using Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Used Rails, AJAX, JSON and JQuery to design the front end of the application. Back end of the application is developed mainly using Active Records.
  • Designed applications using object oriented concepts, Jasmine, Selenium, and Capybara.
  • Unit tested the code with RSpec and Jasmine tests, and manages the code with SVN.
  • Involved in implementing user mailing module using Action Mailer.
  • Designed and developed using Ruby, Rails, MySQL, Transat SQL, SQL server, Redis and Goliath.
  • Used RHTML, cascading style sheets (CSS), RJS to describe the web pages.
  • Created an entire set of customized features in dashboard (JQuery and Rails AJAX.
  • Worked on optimizing sql queries to improve the loading times of the web pages.
  • Used Restful API to gather sales related data for products.
  • Designed the SQL Server Database, and Wrote Stored Procedures and Triggers for effective Data Processing and performance.

Environment: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, RSpec, Bootstrap, AWS, MySQL, RHTML.

2) Ruby on Rails Developer

7 Eleven  – April 2011 to February 2013

Roles Played:

  • Developed the web application using Ruby on Rails framework.
  • Involved in Design, development and testing phases of the application under agile methodology.
  • Participated in a back-end and front-end development of the Rails application.
  • Analyzed system requirements specifications and involved in client interaction during requirements specifications.
  • Used Git and Continuous Integration for version control and worked in an Agile methodology environment.
  • Designed front-end using HTML and CSS and was involved in dynamic web page designing using AJAX and JSON.
  • Designed and developed Service oriented architecture with webs services.
  • Include unit tests for feature areas to achieve established code coverage targets coordinating sign-off from QA/Test.
  • Analyzed and improved application efficiency by optimizing queries and caching contents for Rails.
  • Deployed the project into Heroku using GIT version control system.
  • Develop user friendly and sophisticated graphical representation of the catalogue of items that would be configured for a piece of equipment.

Environment: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MVC, PostgreSQL, Github, SQL, JSON, WebRick, AJAX.

  • Clean code writer that is fully versed in object-oriented coding.
  • Highly organized and self-motivated
  • Code validation skills
  • Team player, positive attitude, good communicator, friendly personality able to work in a multicultural  environment
  • Interpersonal and written communication

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