E-mail Id: [email protected]
Contact No: 2025********

Career Objective

Seeking a position in Human Resources and opportunity to make a strong contribution by utilizing and expanding upon related education, skills, experiences and capabilities.

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Career Summary

  • A performance driven professional with 3+ combined experience in HR practice, recruiting, retrenchment and retaining the employees.
  • Efficient in planning the organization needs.
  • Proficient in supervising the other HR staff.
  • Proficient in giving valuable decision and assisting the other departments.
  • Expert in taking the order from the seniors and giving the valuable suggestions.

Personal Qualities

  • Remarkable analytical, logical and mathematical skills.
  • Innovative in assessing the qualities of people.
  • Efficient in communicating well in writing and verbal both.
  • The ability to motivate people.

Key Responsibilities Handled

  • Analyze the need of the organization in terms of manpower.
  • Make a proper plan to fulfill the need of organization.
  • Fill the post of organizations by the recruitment drive.
  • Understand the improving areas of organization by taking feedback timely.
  • Conduct many programs for motivating and stress busting for employees.
  • Make the coordination with the accounts department.
  • Keep observing the employee’s performance.
  • Train the new employees.

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Computer Knowledge

  • Expert in basic use of computer.
  • Internet savvy.


  • Effectively recruited 500 employees in XXX Company.
  • Cut down the budget by the transfer and relocating the employees.
  • Won ‘Best Employee’ award in 2011.


  • Working as HR manager in XXX company from 2010 – present.
  • Worked as HR manager in XXX company from 2009 – 2010.

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  • MBA in HR.
  • BBA

Personal Details

  • Date of Birth: 21/06/1992
  • Languages Known: Spanish, English & Chinese
  • Address: XXXXXX

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