Email: [email protected]
Phone: (555)-555-5555

  • Around 3 Years of experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Management and Validation of various stand-alone and client-server applications.
  • 2+ years of experience in implementing Object-Oriented Python, Hash Tables (Dictionaries) and Multi threading.
  • Experience in installing software using pip command for python libraries and extensive usage of the PEP8 coding convention.
  • Good understanding on Django ORM and SQLAlchemy.
  • Experienced in interfacing with third party API’s using REST and SOAP
  • Worked with varieties of Relational Databases (RDBMS) like SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • Experienced in writing SubQueries, Triggers, Cursors, Stored Procedures and Functions.
  • Proficient knowledge of Web services like Google Cloud and Amazon AWS Services.
  • Good Knowledge on Linux and Shell Scripting.
  • Experienced in developing web-based applications using Python, PHP, XML, JSON and MVC3
  • Well versed in design and development of presentation layer for web applications using technologies like HTML,CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX and Bootstrap.
Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
B.ETagore College of Engineering and Technology – Chennai201590%
HSCScread Higher Secondary School200984%
SSLCST.Marry Higher Secondary School



  • AJAX (1 year)
  • CSS (1 year)
  • HTML (1 year)
  • JAVASCRIPT (1 year)
  • MYSQL (1 year)
1.) Python Developer

Tata Consultancy Services – October 2015 to December 2016


  • Involved in building database model, APIs and views utilizing Python, in order to build an interactive web based solution.
  • Used data types like dictionaries, tuples and object -concepts based inheritance features for making complex algorithms of networks.
  • Designed and developed the UI of the website using HTML, XHTML, AJAX, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Expertise in client scripting languages like JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, DOJO, bootstrap, Angular.js.
  • Designed and managed API system deployment using fast http server and Amazon AWS architecture
  • Worked on Python Open stack API’s.
  • Carried out various mathematical operations for calculation purpose using python libraries.
  • Managed large datasets using Panda data frames and MySQL.
  • Worked with JSON based REST Web services.
  • Performed testing using Django’s Test Module.
  • Creating unit test/regression test framework for working/new code.
  • Using Subversion version control tool to coordinate team-development.

Environment: Python, XML, Java, MySQL, Apache, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Shell Scripts, Linux and Windows.

2.) Python Developer

Techwave Consulting Inc  – January 2015 to October 2015


  • Developed Views and Templates with Django view, controller and template language to create a user-friendly website interface.
  • Configured the Django admin site, dashboard and created a custom Django dashboard for end users with custom look and feel.
  • Used Python for XML, JSON processing, data exchange and business logic implementation.
  • Created UI using JavaScript and HTML5. Designed and developed data management system using MongoDB.
  • Used Python scripts to update the content in database and manipulate files.
  • Proficient in Software Design and Development with a solid background in developing.

Environment: Python, XML, MySQL, Apache, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Shell Scripts, Linux and Windows.

  • Languages Python, PHP, Java, C++, Shell scripting
  • Python Framework Django, Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, Pytorch.
  • Databases MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL
  • Web Technologies XML, CSS, HTML 5, JavaScript, JQuery, MVC 3, Bootstrap, AJAX, angular 2, PHP
  • IDE Visual studio, PyCharm, Eclipse, MyEclipse


 Python Developer Resume Samples 2

  • Having 1 year of experience as a Python Developer.
  • Having experience in developing web applications using Python and Django
  • Knowledge on front end designing HTML, CSS.
  • Through knowledge of Object Oriented Programming.
  • Exceptional ability to work independently with a team of Python coders.
  • Ability to learn and adapt quickly and to correctly apply new tools and technologies.
  • Self-starter who can prioritize in order to meet deadlines.
  • Capable of working alone as well as a team player with strong interpersonal skills.
Python Developer

Company Name, Location – August 2017 to Present


Transport management system is a system used to manage Driving Licenses that are to be maintained in Transport Authority of Oregon State in U.S. This application deals with Issue, Renewal and Cancellation of Driving Licenses, Issuing, Renewal ID Cards, Customer Management, Transaction and Financial Management and Insurance Management etc.

Roles& Responsibilities:

  • Monitoring and finding the issues in the platform.
  • Developing and improving the performance issues in the platform.
  • Performing code coverage and standardization.
  • Preparing user interfaces for the application.
  • Ensuring that the applications being developed can be used by non-technical person.
  • Getting thoroughly involved in the programming of web based applications.
  • Involved in writing test cases script using python.
Python Developer

Company Name, Location – 2016

Roles& Responsibilities:

  • Developed SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, and Triggers Using Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL.
  • Responsible for debugging and troubleshooting the web application.
  • Supported user groups by handling target-related software issues/service requests, identifying/fixing bugs.
  • Involved in Agile Methodologies and SCRUM Process.
  • Worked through the entire lifecycle of the projects including Design, Development, and Deployment, Testing and Implementation and support.
Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
BCASRM College of Engineering and Technology – Chennai201690%
HSCK.C.S Higher Secondary School201384%
SSLCD.L.S Higher Secondary School




Technical Skills:-

  • Operating System: Windows
  • Languages: Python
  • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS.
  • Web Framework: Django.
  • Editors: IDLE, notepad++
  • Methodologies Agile, Waterfall
  • Operating Systems Window, Linux(Ubuntu, Fedora)
  • Testing tools Unittest, pytest
  • Messaging Queue’s RabbitMQ

I hereby declare that all the information given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


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