Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Email: [email protected]


Google Certified Associate Android Developer with 2+ years of experience in Android Application Development involved in development of enterprise mobile application development to produce high quality, user friendly and bug free mobile applications.


Infosys Ltd – Bengaluru, Karnataka – September 2015 to Present

  • Knowledge in development of e-Commerce, manufacturing and Healthcare Application.
  • Key Responsibilities: delivering the product with in the estimated time, design interactive UI, bug free mobile application etc.
  • Hands-on experience in Libraries such as SQLite, Retrofit, Picasso etc.
  • Hands-on experience in Consuming the REST Services – JSON, XML.
  • Connected Android Test and Android Bug Fixing.


  1. Attended Google Developers Summit in Google office, Bangalore, India sponsored by Google.
  2. Awarded High performer (HPF) in Infosys Foundation Training in J2EE.
  3. Appreciated for creating a macro, which will identify and remove duplicate test cases from Quality Center.
  4. Appreciated for creating another macro, which will identify the Product area and functional area based on the test case name and will mass update the quality center.
  • Google – Associate Android Developer
  • Udemy – The Complete React Native and Redux course.
  • Infosys Foundation Program – J2EE.
  • Infosys Foundation Program – Python, MySQL.
  • Udacity – Android Developer Nanodegree.
  • Android
  • Java
  • J2EE
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • XML
  • JSON

1. Application Name: Go Learn Account: Go Kids – Singapore

  • Utilized JSON and XML to parse, display and navigate through large quantities of data in intuitive and efficient manner.
  • Handling various technical aspects like coding the modules using the design specification, debugging and fixing the defects
  • Ensuring the business and functional requirement are fulfilled before the code is deployed.
  • Understanding Google Location API and nearby API to help locate the nearby Provider.

2. Application Name: Jotun – Proof of Concept Account: Jotun Marine Coatings

  • Worked with rendering the PDF inside an activity.
  • Worked with BottonNavigationView to display data on various categories.

3. Application Name: Wesco Account: Wesco International Inc.

  • Hands on Experience in Recycler view and recycler view adapters.
  • Used Retrofit, Picasso libraries to render the UI providing smooth User Interface.
  • Handling and displaying the backend errors, using the error codes that the backend respond.
  • Bachelor of Technology in Design of Quad From SRM University Since 2011 to 2015
  • Java (2 years)
  • Android Application Development (2 years)
  • Google Associate Android Developer From March 2017 to March 2020


 Professional Android Developer CV Example 2

  • Having 6+ years of experience in developing Android applications and JAVA.
  • Good knowledge of Android SDK, developing in Android Studio and Eclipse IDE interactive application development.
  • Experience in Android components (Activity, Service, and Receivers)
  • Knowledge of application testing, debugging, and troubleshooting. • Good knowledge in complete development life cycle along with deployment on Google Play Store.
Software Engineer

Company Name-Location November 2013 to Present

  • Working on Android applications development.
Associate Software Engineer

Company Name-Location 2012

  • Working as Android Developer from last 6+ years.
  • Good knowledge in Android Mobile Apps development by using Android Studio, JAVA, SQLite, REST, Phone Gap, Eclipse, etc.
1.) BeFIT Therapy

Environment: Windows XP, Android Studio, SQLite, Secure Vimeo videos streaming, and JSON.

My Role:

  • Handled complete design integration, development, and deployment.
  • Coordinated with web development team to get the required APIs.


  • View programs and the related exercises with the details like no of sets, repetitions, duration etc.
  • Set their Goals and ability to chart their progress using thermometer.
  • Log the exercises after completed and view the report.
  • Set exercise reminders by program or exercise vise.
  • Chat feature is incorporated.
2.) YPO Doctors

Environment: Windows XP, Android Studio, SQLite and JSON.

My Role:

  • Handled complete design integration, development, and deployment.
  • Coordinated with web development team to get the required APIs.


  • YPO Doctors Application lists all the doctors/hospitals who are YPO clients with few filters feature.
3.) YPO Health Navigator

Environment: Windows XP, Android Studio, SQLite and JSON.

My Role:

  • Worked on Pain Tracker Feature and few other calculators.
  • Coordinated with web development team to get the required APIs.


  • This application has a Pain tracker feature with few other health calculators like BMI, Smoking Risk, etc.
  • Pain tracker feature provides the user’s ability to select the body parts and mention the Pain level.
  • Pain History would be saved in the server and can be viewed any time in chart/list format.
Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
B-TechAnna University – Chennai, Tamil Nadu201280%
HSCDaniel Higher Secondary School200684%
SSLCHigher Secondary School



Additional Information

Skill set:

    • JAVA, SQLite
    • PhoneGap
    • JSON Parsing
    • Eclipse
    • Android Studio.