
123 Elm Street, Any town, ST 00000, Home: (123) 456-7890, Mobile: (555) 123-0000


Manager of product development with more than twenty years experience in food science and implementation of new product systems for large international food manufacturers.

Professional Experience

Manager, Product Development, Name of Company, City, ST 1997-2003

  • Implemented global initiatives that resulted in a successful technology transfer from other company divisions that saved $500,000 in operating costs in 2002
  • Reduced costs of product development department by 20% through additional efficiencies in pilot plant usage and plant scheduling
  • Developed cross-functional team which implemented $3.57M cost savings by converting from natural to artificial vanilla and reduced usage from eight vanilla flavors to three
  • Developed products which restaged company’s in-store freezer offerings significantly, increasing sales 15%
  • Recipient of commendation award for designing a new product system that increased profit 11%

Manager, Product Development, Name of Company, City, ST 1992-1996

  • Developed a unique soft serve formulation and equipment system that expanded distribution outside company stores
  • Significantly improved company’s beverage program by introducing a new line of beverages and mix-in products to provide additional consumer alternatives
  • Took over management of the XYZ program, successfully reducing costs 20%
  • Investigated technical potential for expansion into other areas through strategic partnerships and cooperative marketing agreements
  • Provided engineering and pilot plant support for group that insured acceptable equipment introduction into stores and consistent product quality

Program Manager, Name of Company, City, ST 1984-1992

  • Introduced four new frozen novelty product lines resulting in significantly increased profitability for the division
  • Developed and implemented new juice beverage product and successfully translated formulas for production in Europe
  • Developed products and established production lines for two regional brands
  • Received “Best New Product of the Year” award by “Name of Magazine” magazine for [name of product] and [name of product]
Other Employment

  • Director – Retail Products, Name of Company, City, ST 1982-1984
  • Technical Brand Manager, Name of Company, City, ST 1976-1981
  • Senior Food Chemist, Name of Company, City, ST 1972-1975
  • Food Technologist, Name of Company, City, ST 1970-1972


  • At [name of company], developed three new frozen cake products and supervised the development of a new line of frozen soup products
  • At [name of company], implemented a cost reduction program that reduced costs by $1.2M
  • At [name of company], implemented a major product development program that resulted in extensive expansion into the salad dressing market, increasing profits 15%
Education & Affiliations

  • B.A., Chemistry, Name of University, City, ST
  • Member, Institute of Food Technologists

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