E-mail Id: [email protected]
Contact No: 2025********


  • Start up Specialist with experience in Satellite Television, Satellite Radio, Motion Pictures.
  • Experience as Managing Director for 5 years and CFO for 6 years.
  • A Finance Professional with a degree in Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy.

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  • Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of USA
  • Graduate Membership of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of USA
  • B.Com., xxx College of Commerce and Economics, University of XXXXX

Key Professional Experience

Company : XXXXXX
Designation : Managing Director

Descriptions :
  • First task was to bring funding into Phat Phish.
  • It was in hibernation for about a year, but had a unique creative DNA.
  • It had potential to be a company in the league of a Yahoo or a Google if it expanded the initial sparks shown in music video production, its advertising productions and its music albums into newer areas of content and scaled up existing business streams.
  • It had potential to be a company in the league of a Yahoo or a Google if it expanded the initial sparks shown in music video production, its advertising productions and its music albums into newer areas of content and scaled up existing business streams.
  • The first task was to get funding into the company and funding of US$6 MN was secured for Phat Phish by me after an intensive process of 7 months.
  • The second task was to expand the content strength of Phat Phish from a niche creative hot shop into areas of Motion Pictures and Television.
  • This also meant creating monetizing models that would support the economic success because the creative process and the products were unique and untried.
  • This meant using the Live event’s route for the record label and creating initial products that would drive visibility and long term partnerships with certain key players in the motion picture industry.
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Company : XXXXXX
Designation: Managing Director

Descriptions :
  • Came back to World Space to move them from a project to a commercial enterprise.
  • World Space was in a financial crunch. Employee morale was an all time low.
  • There was no money for anything coming from World space headquarters except payroll.
The task at hand was complex Here’s a snap shot.
  • Hardware challenges: There was a need for a low cost radio to drive the subscriber volumes. All radios were imported. The people loved the concept, but price was high. The achievement was to work with BPL and develop a low cost model. However, BPL itself was in a funding crisis and they could not roll out. There was no funding..
  • My role chiefly has been to wedge a path and bring the business/function to a level from where scale up is possible.
  • This also largely meant that in addition to skills of having a clarity on the road ahead, or workarounds against road blocks, keeping a strong team highly motivated in difficult circumstances.
  • cycle could only be broken by closing out a working capital funding intervention – which also was difficult with the debt-heavy corporate balance sheet of World space.
  • We managed to financial structure a modest working capital deal with a Nationalized bank. This suddenly was used to fund the manufacturer to produce Radios to be sent to the retailers and the rest followed.
  • This demonstration of proof of concept led to the World Space headquarters securing the funding from UBS (all for end use in USA) and subsequent listing on Nasdaq.
  • Left behind a great team, flush with funds, a threshold level of subscribers to self sustain the business and a proven model of subscription business to build up on.

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Key Achievements

  • Most Assignments in my career have been in businesses that have been unchartered.
  • My role chiefly has been to wedge a path and bring the business/function to a level from where scale up is possible.
  • This also largely meant that in addition to skills of having a clarity on the road ahead, or workarounds against road blocks, keeping a strong team highly motivated in difficult circumstances.

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 22/03/1991
  • Languages known: English, Spanish, Chinese
  • Address: XXXXXX.

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