E-mail Id: [email protected]
Contact No: 2025********


A rewarding career with an established organization where my analytical skills along with administrative experience will be utilized and enhancing excellence with continuing efforts is encouraged.

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Career Summary

1. Assistant Director, xxxxxxx Division, Central xxxxxxx Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programmed Imp., Govt. of USA, xxxxxxxx – present

Responsibilities :
  • Handling coordination of activities in relation to compilation of Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  • Technical coordination and capability lending with other offices of Govt of USA requiring support in Industrial and Economic Statistics.
  • Involved in Frame identification for surveys and large scale data handling of unit level emanating from Annual Surveys of Govt of USA.
  • All new matters pertaining to development of Industrial and other Economic Statistics such as Compilation of ICT and good governance indicators, Annual Survey of Industries, Volatility measurement, International best practices, Wage rate fixation.
  • Administration of staff and other technical matters as parliament questions and RTI.

2. Probationer, USA XXXXX Service, Govt. of USA, March 2011 to July 2012

  • Training in advanced IT module at xxxx
  • Training in advanced Management module at xxxxxx
  • Training in advanced Statistics at xxxxxxx
  • Training in Financial Economics at xxxxxxx
  • Foundation Course in administration at xxxxxx
  • Training in Economic Statistics at xxxx, New York
  • Training in Demographic Statistics at xxxx, Texas
  • Training in Advanced Statistical Tools for analysis at xxxxxx, New York
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3. Executive Actuary, xxx General Insurance Co. Pvt. Ltd. March 2010 to March 2011.

Responsibilities :
  • Product review, pricing and monitoring of Health and Commercial lines of business
  • Establishing pricing methods for new products
  • Regulatory reports for IRDA,
    i) Forms A, B1 & B2.
    ii) F&U documents for filing product.
    iii) the Appointed actuary report.
  • Assisted and worked on development of tools to monitor the profitability and performance of several lines of business.

Actuarial Examinations

  • Cleared all nine papers of the Core Technical stage namely CT1 – CT9, May 2008 to November 2010 from Institute of Actuaries of USA.

Academic Profile

  • Certificate in Actuarial Techniques (CAT), Institute of Actuaries of USA, November 2010 for clearing all 9 papers of Core Technical (CT) series of Examinations.
  • Master of Science, Statistics, 2009 from University of xxxxxx.

Computational Skills

  • Languages: VB.NET 3.5 (Windows), C++.
  • Statistical packages: SPSS 17.0, R 2.13.0, Win BUGS 1.4.
  • Commercial packages: MS Excel, MS Word, MS Power point.

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  • Published a paper titled `xxxxx’ in xxxxx ONE (USA)
  • Published a paper titled `xxxxx’ in `Actuary USA’ (XXX Actuarial Institute of USA)


  • First prize in All US competition of post-graduate students of Statistics, xxxx – Govt. of USA, Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOS & PI).
  • VN Endowment award for excellence in Statistics, by University of xxxxxx

Personal Details

  • Date of Birth : 14/03/1990
  • Hobbies : Reading magazines , writing stories , Editing
  • Address : XXXXXX
  • Languages known :English , Spanish .

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