
 Contact No : 1234567891
E-mail : [email protected]
Present Address : Chennai

  • Over 7+ years of experience in Oracle database administration and Cassandra Database Administration and
  • Expertise in tuning, development, analysis, design, all phases of SDLC, installation, patches, upgrades, migrations, configuration, database security, capacity planning, space management, data modeling, backup and recovery, cloning, auditing, SQL, PL/SQL, NoSQL, Amazon web services, troubleshooting and documentation.
  • Excellent Knowledge of Cassandra Architecture, Cassandra data modelling & Monitoring Cassandra using Opscenter.
  • Involved in designing various stages of migrating data from RDBMS to Cassandra.
  • Excellent Knowledge of Cassandra Architecture, Cassandra data modelling & Monitoring Cassandra using Opscenter.
  • Can handle commissioning and decommissioning nodes along with monitoring of Cassandra Cluster.
  • Have Knowledge on Apache Spark with Cassandra.
  • Gained Hands on experience in analyzing the Cassandra data from flat files using Spark.
  • Commendable knowledge on read and write processes, including SSTables, MemTables and Commitlog.
Cassandra Admin

Company Name-Location – October 2014 to February 2017


  • Involved in capacity planning and requirements gathering for multi data center Cassandra cluster
  • Installed, Configured, Tested Datastax Enterprise Cassandra multi-node cluster which has 4 Data centers and 5 nodes each.
  • Involved in the process of designing Cassandra Architecture.
  • Installed and configured Cassandra cluster and CQL on the cluster.
  • Involved in the process of data mover for disaster recovery platforms Backup and recovery.
  • Knowledge on set up Cassandra wide monitoring scripts and alerting system.
  • Involved in database deployments, capacity planning, monitoring multi data centers, performance tuning, and troubleshooting.
  • Knowledge on bootstrapping, removing, replicating the nodes in Cassandra and Solr clusters.
  • Experienced in upgrading the existing Cassandra cluster to latest releases.

Environment: Cassandra 2.1, DevCenter, Cqlsh, OpsCenter, Node tool, UNIX, Cassandra-stress, Shell Scripting, GitHub, Maven, MongoDB, Solr, Shell Scripts, Sqoop, Spark and Scala, AWS.

CRM Developer

Company Name-Location – June 2012 to September 2014


  • Installing, configuring, monitoring Apache Cassandra Prod, Dev and Test clusters
  • Implementing and maintaining a multi Data center Cluster.
  • Involved in upgrading the Cassandra test clusters
  • Creating required key spaces for applications in prod, dev, test, and fst clusters.
  • Determining and setting up the required replication factors for key spaces in prod, dev etc. environments in consultations with application teams.
  • Creating required tables with appropriate privileges to the users and secondary indexes
  • Set Cassandra backups using snapshot backups.
  • Used Ops Center to monitor prod, dev, test, and fst Cassandra clusters.
  • Implemented Spark solution to enable real time reports from Cassandra data
  • Generated user specific reports based on indexed columns using SPARK
  • Performance tuning a Cassandra cluster to optimize writes and reads
Cassandra Consultant

Company Name-Location -March 2011 to September 2014


  • Involved in the process of designing Cassandra Architecture.
  • Migrated 40 TB of data from one data center to another data center.
  • Integrated AD with Cassandra Authorization.
  • Designed, Automated the process of installation and configuration of secure DataStax Enterprise Cassandra cluster using puppet.
  • Monitored the cluster with Zabbix.
  • Configured internode communication between Cassandra nodes and client using SSL encryption.
  • Developed shell scripts along with setting up of CRON jobs for monitoring and automated data backup on Cassandra cluster.
  • Created azure templates to automate server creation and DSE deployments.
  • Installed and configured Cassandra cluster and CQL on the cluster.
  • Experience in upgrading the existing Cassandra cluster to latest releases.

Environment: Cassandra 2.1, DevCenter, Cqlsh, OpsCenter, Node tool, UNIX, Cassandra-stress, Shell Scripting, GitHub, Maven, Solr, Shell Scripts, Sqoop, Spark, SQL, NoSQL, CQL

Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
BSCAnna university – Chennai, Tamil Nadu201180%
HSC Higher Secondary School200984%
SSLCHigher Secondary School



  • APACHE CASSANDRA (6 years)
  • ASTERADATA (6 years)
  • CASSANDRA (6 years)
  • SCRIPTING (5 years)

Technical Skills:-

  • Cassandra Datastax Enterprise Cassandra, Open source Cassandra.
  • Cluster Management Tools OpsCenter, Stress tool, Sqoop, Node Tool.
  • Amazon Web Services: EC2, S3, ELB, Auto scaling, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, RDS, Cloud watch,
  • Cloud trail, IAM, SNS, Redshift.
  • Server Automation Tools Chef using AWS OpsWork.


Cassandra Database Administrator Resume 2

  • Over 6+ years of experience in Oracle database administration and Cassandra Database
  • Experience in Database creation with RMAN jobs and security implementations in Oracle.
  • Load Balancing, Startup, Shutdown of Individual instances on RAC database.
  • Installed 12c Grid agent on servers and configure 12c OEM Grid control.
  • Data Loading using SQL*Loader and DBVERIFY for corruption checking.
  • Used parameters to configure, install and manage ASM instance in 10g RAC.
  • Back-end programming, database Triggers, stored procedures and functions using PL/SQL.
  • Experience in Very Large Multi-Terabyte Database (VLDB) and also performed migrations in this environment.
  • Experienced in Oracle Support processes for technical requests through Metalink and other support procedures.
Course (Stream)/ Examination
Year of Passing
B.ETagore Engineering College200690%
HSCSt. Mary’s Matric HSS200284%
SSLCVetri  Higher Secondary School



  • APACHE CASSANDRA (6 years)
  • ASTERADATA (6 years)
  • CASSANDRA (6 years)
  • SCRIPTING (5 years)
1.) Cassandra Administrator

Company Name-Location – January 2017 to Present


AT&T is a multinational telecommunications corporation and is the largest provider of both mobile telephony and fixed telephony in the United States, and also provides broadband subscriptions and television services. Provided support to development and production support teams with respect to Oracle and Cassandra administrator related tasks. Working on APACHE Cassandra on prod, test, fst, and dev cluster environments for various applications.


  • Involved in the process of bootstrapping, decommissioning, replacing, repairing and removing nodes.
  • Bench marked Cassandra cluster based on the expected traffic for the use case and optimized for low latency
  • Troubleshoot read/write latency and timeout issues in CASSANDRA Installation, Configuration, Upgrade, patching of Oracle RDBMS
  • Implementation of High Availability solutions with Oracle 12c, 11g RAC, 10g RAC, Standby Database (Active Data Guard)
  • Replication, Extracting data and applying on production database using Golden Gate.
  • Implemented unidirectional and Bi-directional replication using Golden Gate 11.1 for High Availability and reporting projects.
  • Checking Databases Backup/Restore validity periodically, and Data refreshes from Production to Non Production environment
  • Created Duplicate Databases using RMAN Backups.
2.) Cassandra Admin

Company Name-Location – October 2014 to December 2016


  • Experienced in provisioning and managing multi-datacenter Cassandra cluster on public cloud environment Amazon Web Services(AWS) – EC2.
  • Imported data from various resources to the Cassandra cluster using Java APIs.
  • Strong understanding of internal processes of NoSQL approach.
  • Optimized the Cassandra cluster by making changes in Cassandra properties and Linux (Red Hat) OS configurations.
  • Working closely with Datastax to resolve issues on cluster using ticketing mechanism.
  • Configured Performance Tuning and Monitoring for Cassandra Read and Write processes for fast I/O operations and low latency time.
  • Performed Stress and Performance testing to benchmark the cluster
  • Administered Cassandra cluster using Datastax OpsCenter and monitored CPU usage, memory usage and health of nodes in the cluster.
  • Configured accordingly to achieve maximum throughput and execution time based on the bench marking results.

Environment: Cassandra 2.1, DevCenter, Cqlsh, OpsCenter, Node tool, UNIX, Cassandra-stress, Shell Scripting, GitHub, Maven, MongoDB, Solr, Shell Scripts, Sqoop, Spark and Scala, AWS.

  • Databases: Oracle, SQL Server (2005, 2008), MS Access.
  • Security Kerberos.
  • Languages: CQL, SQL, PL/SQL, Shell Scripting, Python.
  • Operating Systems Linux (Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu), windows.
  • Version control Tools: Git, GitHub and SVN.
  • Cassandra Datastax Enterprise Cassandra, Open source Cassandra.