
1234 Elm Street, Any town, ST 00000 (123) 456-7890, [email protected]


HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER with 20 years experience. Excellent qualifications in personnel training and development programs. Consistently successful in the development of core efficiency initiatives to drive organizational change and performance improvements.


NAME OF COMPANY, City, ST 1999 to 2003


Directed a staff of 38 probation officers and support staff, and oversaw treatment programs for more than 1,500 clients annually. Developed and administered a $2.5 million budget. Performed human resource management duties, i.e., recruitment, selection, training and development, and scheduling and evaluation. Wrote and enforced policies and procedures affecting day-to-day operations and conducted internal investigations.

Major accomplishments:

  • Wrote new policy and procedural manuals detailing comprehensive policies and procedures for employees which reduced training time and improved efficiency and consistency
  • Improved employee morale and reduced turnover by developing a procedural manual committee of employees to draft and have input in to departmental procedures, and created a hiring board consisting of employees and supervisors to screen and recommend applicants
  • Developed an in-depth personnel evaluation system, improved physical working conditions, improved management skills of supervisors, and adopted a merit pay system based on performance evaluations designed to reward top performers
  • Developed and oversaw implementation of a “Day Reporting Center Program” designed to provide training, education and treatment to high risk clients
  • Recommended new computer system upgrade to improve employee efficiency and productivity

NAME OF COMPANY, City, ST 1994 to 1999

Personnel Director

Coordinated all departmental training activities. Aided and advised management with interpretation and application of personnel policies and practices. Wrote and enforced policies and procedures affecting dayto-day operations and conducted internal investigations.

  • Evaluated and refined course materials in an effort to find optimum solution to training challenges and recommended effective training solutions
  • Identified methods of introducing new information to increase job competence
  • Assisted the CSCD director in the community justice planning process
  • Controlled operating costs by closely monitoring service contractors to prevent cost overruns

NAME OF COMPANY, City, ST 1993 to 1994

Restitution Center Director

Developed and administered a $500,000 annual budget, performed personnel management duties, including supervising a staff of 25 – 30 employees. Oversaw major facilities renovation project.

NAME OF COMPANY, City, ST 1991 to 1993

Deputy Director

Supervised six employees, wrote policies and procedural manuals and program proposals, interviewed candidates, and performed personnel evaluations. Assisted the director in the operation and management of the department.

NAME OF COMPANY, City, ST 1984 to 1991


Managed [correctional facility] in [three] counties, including overseeing a budget of approximately $485,000 and supervising 12 employees.

Major accomplishments:

  • Updated operations by acquiring department’s first computer case management system
  • Secured outpatient drug and alcohol treatment services for clients
  • Designed and implemented programs to provide literacy training and community service jobs for clients

[NAME OF] POLICE DEPARTMENT, City, ST 1978 to 1984

Police Officer

Performed duties as patrolman and investigator with the Special Investigation Division.

  • Received “[City] 100 Club” Officer of the Year Award (1983)

Bachelor of Arts, Law Enforcement, Cum Laude 1975




  • Certified Community Supervision Officer
  • Certified Residential Service Provider

Continuing Education:

  • Numerous in-service hours in public sector personnel management and training

Technical Skills:

  • Proficient in MS Office 2000, Access, Excel, Word and Outlook, and in various in-house criminal justice case management programs

UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, Commissioned Officer (1st Lieutenant) 1975 to 1978


  • Viet Nam veteran
  • Hydraulics mechanic and embassy security guard

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