Explore our collection of termination appeal letter samples. Learn how to articulate your concerns effectively and enhance your appeal process with expert guidance.

 Termination Appeal Letter Sample



45 Kumaran Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai 28

Home : 426-121-8954 Cell: 426-121-8945

[email protected]


Dear Ms Daisy,

We have spoken several times over the last few days and I would like to express my regards for your patience. I am writing this letter to agree an official review.

I was with Linden Insurance for seven years. Termination I had believed my presentation was not a problem even though I was alert the department was upset about the visible drop in my sales over last 15 months. My supervisor insisted worries that previous week and appear surprised about the termination. The letter did not detail the reason. I have spoken several to my co-partner in Human Resources but have not been able to get information about this decision.

Thank you for agreeing my position at Linden. As the sole provider for my family I certainly need the income but honestly rather work at Linden.



Why Termination Appeal Letter

  1. Challenges Unfair Dismissal:
    • A Termination Appeal Letter allows employees to formally challenge a dismissal they believe to be unfair or unjustified, providing a chance to present their side of the story.
  2. Provides an Opportunity for Reinstatement:
    • This letter gives employees the opportunity to be reinstated to their position if the termination is found to be wrongful or based on incomplete information.
  3. Allows for Presentation of Evidence:
    • Employees can use the Termination Appeal Letter to present new evidence, witness statements, or documentation that supports their case against the termination.
  4. Requests a Review of the Decision:
    • The letter prompts a formal review of the termination decision by higher management or a review board, ensuring that the decision was made in accordance with company policy and legal guidelines.
  5. Facilitates Communication:
    • It opens up a channel for communication between the employee and the employer, which can lead to a better understanding of the situation and potentially an amicable resolution.
  6. Protects Employee Rights:
    • Submitting a Termination Appeal Letter helps protect the employee’s rights, ensuring that due process is followed and that the termination decision is fair and unbiased.

Importance of Termination Appeal Letter

  1. Ensures Fair Treatment:
    • A Termination Appeal Letter is important as it ensures that employees receive fair treatment by allowing them to contest a decision they believe was made unfairly.
  2. Prevents Unlawful Termination:
    • The letter is crucial in preventing unlawful termination, as it prompts a thorough review of the circumstances and the legality of the dismissal.
  3. Encourages Transparent Decision-Making:
    • It plays an important role in promoting transparency within the company by requiring management to clearly explain and justify their termination decisions.
  4. Gives Employees a Voice:
    • The Termination Appeal Letter is essential for giving employees a voice in the termination process, ensuring that their perspective and concerns are heard.
  5. Reduces Risk of Legal Disputes:
    • It is important because it can reduce the risk of legal disputes by providing a formal process for resolving termination issues internally before they escalate to legal action.

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