Explore our resource for writing a bereavement leave letter. Find templates and advice to help you communicate your needs during a difficult time.

Bereavement Leave Letter Sample


General Manager
Northeastern 1st National People’s Bank

10 Sai Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai 40

Dear Nisha,

As you know my mother passed away yesterday. She lived with my family for the last five years and this had an extreme impact on the entire family circle.

As per my mother request, we will be flying her body back to Newland to live with my father. That regard, this fax is for the formal request of a sadness left. I want to allocate three days of leave the company allows an additional three days would be unsettled. I am going to prepare for the burial which will like Sunday. I will return the following Monday.

You have already spoken with Stoler.  And my other unfinished projects can actually wait till I get back, but if there were circumstances, my assistant is more able to deal my return.

I want to thank everyone for their support this matter. If you need to reach me, my assistant has all my contact details.

Best regards,



Why Bereavement Leave Letter Sample

  1. Formal Notification:
    • Provides a formal and documented way to inform your employer about your need for leave due to a personal loss.
  2. Professionalism:
    • Maintains professionalism by following company protocols for requesting time off, even during a difficult time.
  3. Clarity and Documentation:
    • Clearly states the reason for your absence and the expected duration, ensuring there is a written record of your leave request.
  4. Work Continuity:
    • Allows your employer to plan for your absence and make necessary arrangements to cover your responsibilities during your time away.
  5. Respect for Company Policies:
    • Ensures compliance with company policies regarding bereavement leave letter, which may have specific requirements or procedures.
  6. Support and Understanding:
    • Helps communicate your situation to your employer, who can offer support and understanding during a challenging period.
  7. Reduction of Misunderstandings:
    • Minimizes the risk of misunderstandings or confusion about the reason for your leave and its duration.

Important Bereavement Leave Letter Sample

  • Ensuring Official Awareness:
    • Guarantees that your employer is formally informed about your need for time off due to a personal loss.
    • Facilitates the management of your absence by making your situation clear.
  • Maintaining Professionalism:
    • Upholds company protocols and demonstrates respect for workplace procedures.
    • Ensures that your leave request is handled with appropriate formality.
  • Establishing Clear Documentation:
    • Creates a formal record of your leave, useful for tracking entitlements and administrative purposes.
    • Provides a reference for both you and your employer to review details of your absence.
  • Seeking Necessary Support:
    • Clearly communicates your situation to your employer, allowing them to understand and accommodate your needs.
    • Enables your employer to offer the necessary support and adjustments during your difficult time.
  • Facilitating Work Continuity:
    • Helps your employer plan for coverage of your responsibilities in your absence.
    • Minimizes disruptions to ongoing projects or tasks by ensuring your absence is planned and communicated.
  • Adhering to Company Policies:
    • Ensures compliance with company bereavement leave letter and policies and procedures.
    • Prevents any potential issues related to leave entitlements or administrative procedures.
  • Providing a Structured Request:
    • Offers a clear and organized format for requesting leave, making it easier for your employer to process.
    • Reduces ambiguity by specifying the dates and nature of your leave.

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