Access a variety of phone interview letter samples to guide your communication. Elevate your job search with effective and professional letter templates.

  Phone Interview Letter Sample


100 Broadway Lane, New Parkland, CA 91010

Cell: (555)987-1234

[email protected]

Dear Ms. jacoline,

I receiving your sample for the Senior Financial Annalistic position available at a powerful corporation. were impressed with your experience and education. As you know, Mega Corp. is an industry leader and we are always looking for top talent. As you appear to potentially be what we are looking for, we would like to schedule a telephone interview to further discuss your qualifications.

Our hiring manager, Mr. Johansson, is available on October 12-15th from 2 pm to 5 pm for telephone interviews. We anticipate each interview will last approximately thirty minutes. As we expect the slots to fill quickly, please select the earliest time you are available on one of those dates.

your company requires is a confirmation letter that you still in wish to have a telephone interview. Please send an email confirmation to me at [email protected] to confirm and provide your preferred date and time. We will also need you to let us know at what number you should be reached for the interview.

If the phone interview goes well, you will be invited for an in-person interview. If you are unable to participate in the telephone interview, we would appreciate a call. We look forward to speaking with you.



Why Phone Interview Letter:

  1. Confirms Appointment:
    • A Phone Interview Letter helps confirm the appointment, ensuring that both parties are aligned on the date and time of the interview.
  2. Demonstrates Professionalism:
    • Sending a Phone Interview Letter showcases your professionalism and attention to detail, which are critical traits for making a positive first impression.
  3. Clarifies Expectations:
    • The letter provides an opportunity to clarify the expectations for the interview, including the topics to be discussed, helping you prepare effectively.
  4. Builds Rapport Early:
    • It allows you to build rapport with the interviewer early on by initiating communication in a polite and professional manner.
  5. Reduces Miscommunication:
    • By providing written confirmation of the interview details, the letter helps reduce the chances of any miscommunication or scheduling conflicts.
  6. Sets a Positive Tone:
    • Sending a Phone Interview Letter sets a positive tone for the interview process, showing that you are organized and respectful of the interviewer’s time.

Importance of Phone Interview Letter:

  1. Ensures Clarity:
    • The Phone Interview Letter is important because it ensures clarity about the interview details, preventing any potential misunderstandings.
  2. Reaffirms Interest:
    • It reaffirms your interest in the position, making it clear that you are committed to the interview process and eager to move forward.
  3. Shows Initiative:
    • Sending this letter demonstrates initiative, a quality that employers highly value, as it shows you are proactive in managing the interview process.
  4. Helps You Stand Out:
    • The letter can help you stand out among other candidates by showcasing your professionalism and thoroughness even before the interview begins.
  5. Creates a Record:
    • The Phone Interview Letter creates a written record of the interview arrangement, which can be referred to in case of any discrepancies or questions later on.
  6. Contributes to a Smooth Process:
    • By confirming and reiterating the details of the phone interview, the letter contributes to a smooth and efficient interview process, reflecting well on your organizational skills.