Find the perfect counter offer job letter sample to help you negotiate your employment terms. Empower your career with our professional writing tips and examples.

Counter Offer Job Letter Sample


100 Broadway Lane, New Parkland, CA, 91010

Cell: (555) 987-1234

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Philip,

I enjoyed  a meeting with you a  last week to discuss in the available Staff Supervisor position at New Parkland Health clinic. While I am certainly gratefulness for your job offer, and still firmly believe it will been an exciting opportunity for me, I need like to continue negotiations concerning the salary you suggested.

Your company salary offer was certainly generosity. Whatever, I would like to counter for a salary of $47,000. I believing this is justify due to my extensive experience working within the medical field, including more than a daces in administrative positions. Additionally, I have continuously to take occurring online courses to keep me updated on current technology and trends.

I need researched employees Supervisor salaries extensively before making this counter offer to ensure that I was making a fair request. I mention during our interview, I think this position offers are a lot of exciting possibilities. I am a perfect person with proven leadership communication. I believe that I will make a valuable addition to your employees after working out this remaining detail. Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,


Why Counter Offer Job Letter

  1. Negotiates Better Terms:
    • A Counter Offer Job Letter allows you to negotiate better terms for salary, benefits, or work conditions that align with your expectations.
  2. Demonstrates Confidence:
    • Sending a Counter Offer Job Letter shows confidence in your value and skills, signaling to the employer that you believe you’re worth the requested terms.
  3. Clarifies Expectations:
    • It helps in clarifying your expectations for the role, ensuring that both you and the employer are on the same page regarding job responsibilities and compensation.
  4. Improves Job Satisfaction:
    • By negotiating through a Counter Offer Job Letter, you can secure terms that will lead to greater job satisfaction and motivation in the long run.
  5. Maintains Professional Relationship:
    • A well-crafted Counter Offer Job Letter maintains a professional tone, which is essential for preserving a positive relationship with the prospective employer.
  6. Increases Earning Potential:
    • Successfully negotiating with a Counter Offer Job Letter can increase your immediate earning potential and set a precedent for future raises or promotions.

Importance of Counter Offer Job Letter

  1. Ensures Fair Compensation:
    • A Counter Offer Job Letter is important because it ensures you receive fair compensation for your skills and experience, avoiding undervaluation.
  2. Strengthens Professional Position:
    • It strengthens your position within the company, demonstrating that you are proactive and serious about your career progression.
  3. Promotes Transparency:
    • The Counter Offer Job Letter promotes transparency by clearly outlining your needs and expectations, preventing misunderstandings down the line.
  4. Leads to Mutual Agreement:
    • It helps in reaching a mutual agreement that benefits both you and the employer, fostering a positive work environment.
  5. Enhances Job Security:
    • By negotiating terms that align with your career goals, a Counter Offer Job Letter can enhance your job security and commitment to the role.


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