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Confirming Attendance letter



Jackson (name)
#5,East Street,England, (address)
19.06.2017 (date)


#6,South street,England (address)

Ref: Confirming________________________.

Dear Jackson,

I am delighted to be considered and invited to be part of this great experienced and would like to confirm that I will be attending the ________________. To be held on the______ (date) from ________ (time).

I am well aware of the topics you send e and I have reviewed them so I will talk about during my speech. I hope I will be given the ample time to talk.

I am looking forward to attending the event. Thank you for the invite and I will make sure to give you the best.



Why Confirming Attendance Letter

  1. Demonstrates Professionalism:
    • A Confirming Attendance letter shows that you value the event and respect the organizer’s efforts by formally acknowledging your participation.
  2. Provides Assurance to the Organizer:
    • It reassures the event organizer that you will attend, helping them plan more effectively regarding seating, materials, and other logistics.
  3. Clarifies Commitments:
    • Sending a Confirming Attendance letter solidifies your commitment to attend, reducing any uncertainty about your participation.
  4. Establishes Clear Communication:
    • It ensures clear communication between you and the event organizers, which helps avoid any potential misunderstandings.
  5. Acts as a Reminder:
    • The letter serves as a reminder to yourself about the upcoming event, helping you stay organized and prepared.
  6. Strengthens Relationships:
    • Sending a Confirming Attendance letter can strengthen your professional relationships by showing courtesy and consideration towards the host.

Importance of Confirming Attendance Letter

  1. Facilitates Event Planning:
    • A Confirming Attendance letter is important because it aids organizers in making accurate arrangements, such as catering and seating, ensuring the event runs smoothly.
  2. Ensures Accountability:
    • It holds both parties accountable—the attendee for their commitment and the organizer for their preparation, enhancing overall event effectiveness.
  3. Enhances Professional Image:
    • Sending a Confirming Attendance letter reflects well on your professional image, showcasing reliability and attention to detail.
  4. Reduces Uncertainty:
    • The letter reduces uncertainty about who will attend, which is crucial for events that have limited seating or require specific preparations.
  5. Supports Event Success:
    • By confirming your attendance, you contribute to the success of the event, ensuring that all planned activities can proceed as intended.
  6. Promotes Punctuality:
    • A Confirming Attendance letter encourages punctuality, as both parties are reminded of the date and time, leading to better time management.