Learn to navigate the complaint process for manhandling by authorities. Our sample guide provides essential insights to help you assert your rights confidently.

Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities




KML Center for Management Studies


Date 12 September 2014

Dear Mr. Edward,

I am a student in the final semester of PGDBM course in this institute and reside in the Boys Hostel. I have been given show-cause for misbehavior in the hostel on 11 September 2014

I wish to bring to your notice that a bunch of students including me were manhandled by the Warden and few of his friends yesterday night.  While we were having a casual get-together and playing music; the Warden, Mr. Henry and his friends interrupted and asked us to vacate the premise since we were disturbing them.

They were drunk and soon a brawl began between the two groups. We were hit using hockey-sticks and we fought to protect ourselves. In the bargain, the warden and his friends also sustained injuries.

While we did not break any rules laid out by our get-together in the amphitheater; the Warden has framed us on false allegation of life-threatening assault on him. We have been manhandled, hurt and abused even though we did not initiate the fight.

We request you to kindly accept our plea and conduct an independent inquiry and grant us justice.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely


Why Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities

  1. Seeks Justice:
  2. Holds Authorities Accountable:
    • Filing a Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities ensures that those in power are held accountable for their actions.
  3. Prevents Future Misconduct:
    • By submitting a Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities, it can deter future misconduct by bringing attention to inappropriate behavior.
  4. Protects Citizen Rights:
    • It serves as a means to protect and uphold the rights of citizens against abuse by authorities.
  5. Promotes Transparency:
    • A Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities can promote transparency within the system by exposing incidents of manhandling.
  6. Advocates for Change:
    • The Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities can lead to policy changes and improvements in how authorities handle situations.

Importance of Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities

  1. Ensures Accountability:
    • The Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities is important because it ensures that authorities are held accountable for their actions.
  2. Protects Public Trust:
    • Filing a Complaint About The Manhandling By The Authorities is essential for maintaining public trust in law enforcement and other authority figures.
  3. Promotes Justice:
    • It is a critical step in promoting justice and ensuring that victims of manhandling receive the support and recognition they deserve.
  4. Enhances Oversight:
  5. Empowers Citizens:
    • It empowers citizens to stand up against abuse and demand fair treatment from those in positions of power.

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