Access a variety of charity and donation letter samples to elevate your fundraising campaigns. Learn how to write persuasive letters that drive donations.

Charity Or Donation Letter Sample

“True charity is the desire to be useful to others without the thought of recompense” – Emanuel Swedenborg.

Charity Letter is a letter given to an individual or an organization for any donations received or given in the form of money or clothes or any form of sponsorships. Say for example if no tangible items are given to an organization but all expenses incurred on a child (her/his education, clothes, food, etc) are all taken care of by a sponsor is also a form of charity.

A Charity Letter is not only an acknowledgement of having received or given something, but it also helps in tax savings as most donations are exempted from tax.

So next time you give any money towards charity, take the receipt, present it while filing your income tax returns and you will see that not only have you done good for someone but you have got its benefits too.

Some points that need to be considered while writing a Charity Letter are:

  • The letter should specify the form in which the charity has been given
  • It should be addressed to the individual or organization from whom the charity has been received
  • If the individual or organization has specified the use that this charity should be put to, then that too should reflect in the letter. For example, the desire of the individual or organization is to get a lunch hall in a school for the orphans made from the amount given then the Charity Letter should say that
  • If the Charity Letter is being issued by an organization then it should be on the company’s letter head
  • The Income Tax Act against which the charity is exempted should also from a part of the letter (if it already is not a part of the printed part of the letter head)
  • A Charity Letter should also indicate that the contribution is purely voluntary and has not been given under any pressure
  • Specifying that no purchase has been made against the charity is also an integral part of the letter in the absence of which it can be considered as a sale by the charitable institution or an investment by the individual or organization making the contribution


Ms./Mr. ______________ or M/S _____________

Complete address of the individual or organization


Subject: Acknowledgement of receipt of voluntary contribution

Dear ______________

We are a non-profit making organization working towards the empowerment of orphan children. In your endeavor to support the organization successfully achieving its goals, we thank you and acknowledge receipt of Rs.__________ vide Cheque/Draft no. _____________ dated __________ drawn on _______ in favor of ____________________.

We assure you that as per your desires, the contribution made by you will be used for the construction of a lunch hall at our orphanage so that our children can eat in a covered area, which we are very sure they will love.

We confirm that all contributions made to our organization are exempt of Income Tax under section _____________.

We once again thank you for your valued contribution and we will keep you posted with the lunch hall construction developments as well.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

(Name and designation of the signing authority).

Why Charity Or Donation Letter Sample

1. Structured Layout

2. Unified Messaging

  • Using a charity or donation letter sample ensures that your request is communicated consistently, reinforcing the cause and goals.

3. Professional Presentation

  • Helps create a formal and respectful charity or donation letter, which enhances the organization’s credibility and effectiveness.

4. Time-Saving

  • Provides a ready-made template that can be quickly customized, streamlining the process of drafting a charity or donation letter.

5. Persuasive Communication

  • Facilitates clear and compelling messaging that engages potential donors and encourages contributions.

6. Adheres to Guidelines

  • Ensures compliance with fundraising standards and best practices, maintaining trust and credibility.

7. Error Prevention

  • Minimizes mistakes by following a proven format, reducing the risk of omitting important information.

8. Boosts Assurance

  • Provides a reliable model for drafting effective donation requests, increasing confidence in the letter’s impact.

Important Charity Or Donation Letter Sample

1. Streamlined Format

  • A charity or donation letter sample provides a well-organized framework, making it easier to present the appeal in a structured and effective manner.

2. Uniform Appeal

  • Ensures that each charity or donation letter communicates a consistent message, reinforcing the mission and objectives of the campaign.

3. Elevated Professionalism

  • Using a sample helps in crafting a formal and respectful letter, which enhances the organization’s image and increases donor trust.

4. Efficient Drafting

  • A ready-made template simplifies the writing process, allowing you to quickly adapt and personalize the letter for different fundraising efforts.

5. Persuasive Messaging

  • Facilitates clear and impactful communication, making it easier to persuade potential donors and motivate them to contribute.

6. Compliance Assurance

  • Helps in adhering to fundraising regulations and best practices, ensuring the letter meets all necessary standards and guidelines.

7. Error Mitigation

  • Reduces the likelihood of errors by following a proven format that includes all essential elements and details.

8. Confidence Enhancement

  • Provides a reliable model that boosts confidence in crafting an effective charity or donation letter, improving the overall quality of the appeal.

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