Learn how to write a cancellation letter with our sample templates. Get the guidance you need to communicate your order cancellation clearly and professionally.

Cancellation Letter Sample

What is a Cancellation Letter?

The cancellation letter can be used for a business correspondence in order to convey the act of cancelling. However, there can be many reasons to write a cancellation letter but whatever may be the reason, it is important to make use of polite tone.

It can be a challenge to write such a letter because you want to strike a clear tone. You have to be firm and friendly at the same time. Some of the reasons when you can write a cancellation letter are like:

  • Cancelling an order
  • Cancelling major event
  • Cancelling business contract
  • Cancelling membership and subscription
  • Cancelling marriage party or a birthday party, etc.

Guidelines for Writing a Cancellation Letter

In businesses, people prefer to have a written proof of communication. Therefore, several types of formal letters are written in businesses. The cancellation letter is also a type of formal business letter that is written to discontinue particular services or to cancel a particular order.

Here are few guidelines for writing an effective cancellation letter:

  • Write this type of a letter to the point and state the reason behind cancellation in brief.
  • Have one copy of such a letter with you.
  • If you are sending such a letter via email, then save the copy or take its print out.
  • You should include important information in your cancellation letter like date, name, address, designation of a concerned person, policy number, membership number etc.
  • Don’t forget to add your contact details. This can make it easy for a reader to revert back.
  • Write the date from which you want a cancellation to be effective. Mentioning cancellation time frame is essential. Give reader, the enough time to process your cancellation request.
  • Don’t forget to sign a letter before sending it.
  • If you have taken a decision of cancellation of any order or services, then try to give a specific reason for it.
  • Be polite with your letter writing language.
  • Make use of language, which a recipient can find it easy to understand.

How to Write a Cancellation Letter for Cancelling a Membership or a Subscription?

If you are writing a cancellation letter to cancel a membership or a subscription, then it is advisable to make use of the formal business format. Maintain the level of professionalism while writing this kind of a letter.

You can always compose such a letter on a computer. In a cancellation letter, to cancel a membership or a subscription you need to include few things like:

  • Your name
  • Membership number or a subscription number
  • Your address that includes city, state, zip code, postal code etc.
  • Date of composing a letter
  • Company name related to membership or a subscription
  • Company address

It is important to provide a brief reason for the cancellation. Providing brief reason does not mean elaborating the reason. One brief sentence is enough to describe the reason behind a cancellation of membership.

When you request for the cancellation, you should also ask for the confirmation of the cancellation. Mentions details about cancellation fees, if any. Include right salutation while closing your letter and save the copy of the letter for further reference.

How to Write a Cancellation Letter for Cancelling a Business Contract?

For cancelling a business contract, it is always advisable to make use of the formal business format. This can allow you to maintain the level of professionalism. In such a cancellation letter you should include:

  • Your name
  • Your address that includes city, state, zip code, postal code etc.
  • Date of composing a letter
  • Company name
  • Company address

What is your intention behind cancelling a business contract? It is important to show your intention, because this can allow the reader to understand your point of view. When you are cancelling a contract, you can make use of a professional or a friendly tone, depending on your relationship with the recipient.

Mention a statement, that states the reason behind the cancellation of the contract and in this statement, you should also be clear that you want to end it on good terms. You should also mention the true reason, then even if it is related to adopting services of another company or getting into the business contract with another company.

In this type of formal cancellation letter, you should also mention details related to final payments. Get into intricate details related to pending payment, cancellation fees etc.

Don’t forget to ask for the confirmation of cancellation of the business contract. End your cancellation letter on a friendly note. For future records, you should always keep the copy of a letter with you.

How to Write a Cancellation Letter for Cancelling a Wedding or Any Other Event?

Do you want to write a cancellation letter for cancelling particular kind of an event or a wedding? If yes, then you can make use of informal letter format. In such letters, some people prefer to maintain a professional tone but that does not mean you should write it in a formal business letter format.

Be clear, while stating the reason behind the cancellation of an event or a marriage celebration.[ad type=”banner”]

Reasons for cancelling such an event can be anything like:

  • Sudden demise of a family member
  • Unforeseen circumstances
  • Not ready for serious commitments
  • Urgent office work is compelling you to cancel an event

Reasons can be anything but see to it that you always mention a true reason so that reader can easily relate to it. In such a letter, you should not forget to apologize for creating an inconvenience.

Guests may have done a lot of planning in advance to attend your event. Acknowledge their efforts and apologize for the same. Before winding up your letter, it is advisable to express your gratitude and end it with an appreciation note. Show warmth and positivity in such a cancellation letter. You should always send such a cancellation letter as soon as possible so that reader can find some time to react over it.[ad type=”banner”]


Never make use of negative tone in any kind of a cancellation letter.

Why Cancellation Letter

  1. Clarifies Intentions:
    • A Cancellation Letter clearly communicates your intention to terminate a service, order, or agreement, leaving no room for misunderstandings.
  2. Protects Against Future Obligations:
    • It helps you avoid being held responsible for future payments or obligations related to the service or product being canceled.
  3. Documents the Cancellation:
    • Sending a Cancellation Letter provides a written record that the cancellation was requested, which can be important if any disputes arise.
  4. Facilitates Refunds or Adjustments:
    • The letter often initiates the process for any applicable refunds or billing adjustments, ensuring that you are not overcharged.
  5. Promotes Professionalism:
    • A Cancellation Letter allows you to formally and professionally communicate the end of a business relationship or service agreement.

Importance of Cancellation Letter

  1. Legal Protection:
    • A Cancellation Letter is important as it provides legal protection by documenting your request to cancel, which can be used as evidence in case of disputes.
  2. Avoids Miscommunication:
    • The Cancellation Letter is important because it ensures that all parties are on the same page regarding the termination of the service or agreement, reducing the risk of miscommunication.
  3. Prevents Unwanted Charges:
    • By sending a Cancellation Letter, you ensure that no further charges are incurred for a service or product you no longer wish to receive.
  4. Establishes Clear Terms:
    • A Cancellation Letter is important as it establishes clear terms for the cancellation, including the effective date and any actions required by the other party.

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