Explore a variety of application letter samples designed to help you secure your dream job. Access templates and guidance for a professional presentation.

Application Letter Sample

What is Application Letter?

In another word, an application letter is also called as a cover letter. It is considered to be the important document which you can send with your resume. In this document, you can add information related to your skills and experiences. This letter basically gives the reason to the employer to appoint you because it states your qualification for the particular job.

Have you found the perfect job opportunity? If yes, then definitely you will plan to send your resume. It is important to send a resume but before that, you also need to submit an application letter or cover letter.

Many people think it to be the waste of time. Writing tailor made application letter is not the waste of time but it can add more value to your resume. In this letter, you can explain to your employer that you can be a great asset to the team in order to perform a particular task. This letter can open the door of employment for you if you perfectly highlight your skills.

In such letter, let the employer know the position for which you are applying. The aim of your letter should be that you are called for an interview. It is said to be the first correspondence which you will have with an employer. Employer finds it easy to judge the applicant with the assistance of this letter.

Competition is tough and so it is important for your application to stand out.

Application Letter Writing Tips

In order to write strong letter of application, it is important for you to follow below-mentioned tips:

Always write application letter

Yes, it is always advisable to write an application letter until and unless the employer specifically does not mention details related to not sending such a letter. In the case, when a company does not ask for application letter but also does not offer any kind of restrictions, then in such scenario you should definitely send your application letter. Emailing such a letter is also a considerable option.

Make use of business letter format

If you want to make such letter effective, then make use of business letter format. Friendly letter format is strictly not allowed. In business letter format, you should always add contact information at the top. Don’t forget to add salutation at the beginning and signature at the end.

Mention your skills and abilities

Understand that in such a letter, you are selling yourself. So it is important to mention your skills and abilities in detail but without exaggerating. See to it that skills you mention can benefit the company. If required, you can also add numerical values to your accomplishments.

Make use of key phrases or keywords

Have you read the job listing carefully? If yes, then circle the important phrases mentioned in the job listing. Use those phrases in your application letter in order to create a good impact on an employer.

Write concise letter

It is important to write a concise letter because the employer will not be interested in reading a long letter. Your letter should not include more than 4 paragraphs.

Editing is important

Don’t just submit your letter without proofreading it. It is important to edit in order to avoid any kind of errors. Editing can allow you to get rid of grammar and spelling errors.

Things to Include in Your Application Letter

First Step is Preparing Your Letter

  • It is important for you to get familiar with the requirements of the job application. You can get familiar when you know the set of requirements and set of your skills. Correlate requirements as well as your skills and mention them effectively in your job application letter.
  • Don’t forget to add contact information on the top of the letter. This can make it easy for a prospective employer to get in touch with you when needed. You can include details like name, address, phone number, email address, LinkedIn profile details etc.
  • In this letter, it is important for you to add the company related information. Name of the employer, job title, company name, address etc. can be added in your job application letter. Writing contact information of the company can allow an employer to now that you are actually interested in the job offer.
  • Never address your letter in a way like, “To Whomsoever It May Concern”. It is important to address the letter to the right person.

Second Step is Writing Your Letter

  • The first paragraph of your letter should always be engaging. You can add strong and declarative statements. In short and specific manner, you can write the reason that attracted you towards a particular job.
  • It is important for you as a candidate to know the details about the post for which you planning to apply. Inquire about the company and find out if you know anyone in the company. It is always good to have a reference. It is important for you to mention the source from where you found the job application in your letter. The source can be anything like newspaper advertisement, job site, any particular employee reference etc.
  • State the benefits of hiring you as a new employee for a particular task. Mention the accomplishments that you have achieved before but only if it is related to the job that you are applying now.
  • In the second paragraph, you need to mention your skills that can show your strength and experience. Look at the skills that you have mentioned in your CV and describe briefly about it in your job application letter.

Third Step is Finishing Your Letter

  • End your letter by summarizing, in short, that why you are the perfect candidate for a particular job position.
  • Conclude the letter by thanking your employer or hiring manager and show your interest in further conversations or interviews.
  • Show respect while signing off the letter and it can be shown by writing, ‘Yours sincerely”.
  • Don’t forget to write your name underneath and sign a letter.

Hints and Tips Related to Job Application Letter

  • Write the letter on a good quality of paper.
  • It is suggested to avoid using flowery language.
  • Check spelling errors.
  • Don’t write a letter that is too long.
  • The typed or computer-generated letter is always preferable.

Different Types of Application Letters

Job application letter is commonly written in the application letter category. Apart from it, other application letters that you may have to write are like:

  • Visa application letter
  • Leave application letter
  • Scholarship application letter, etc.

Whichever type of letter you may have to write, but it is important to make use of formal letter writing format.

Application Letter – Don’ts

  • Don’t write a long letter
  • Don’t address the person by a first name unless you know him or her personally
  • Don’t write more than 3 to 4 paragraphs
  • Don’t forget to personally sign a letter.

Why Application Letter Sample

  1. Professional Appearance
    An application letter sample provides a polished format that helps you present your application in a professional manner, which is crucial for making a positive impression on potential employers.
  2. Efficient Writing Process
    A sample offers a ready-made structure, allowing you to draft your letter quickly and efficiently without needing to design the format from scratch.
  3. Clear Structure
    A sample includes a well-organized layout that guides you through all necessary sections, such as introduction, qualifications, and closing, ensuring your letter is comprehensive and well-organized.
  4. Consistent Tone and Style
    Using a sample helps maintain a uniform tone and style throughout your letter, contributing to a professional and cohesive presentation.
  5. Facilitates Personalization
    A sample allows for easy customization, enabling you to tailor the letter with specific details about your skills, experiences, and the job or opportunity you’re applying for, making your application more relevant and impactful.
  6. Highlights Key Qualifications
    A well-structured sample helps you effectively showcase your relevant skills and achievements, making it easier for employers to see why you are a strong candidate.

Importance Application Letter Sample

  1. Professional Presentation
    An application letter sample provides a structured and polished format that ensures your letter is presented professionally. This is crucial for making a positive first impression on hiring managers or admissions committees.
  2. Streamlined Writing Process
    By offering a pre-designed layout, a sample simplifies the writing process, allowing you to quickly draft a well-organized letter without having to create the format from scratch. This saves time and effort.
  3. Organized Structure
    A sample includes a clear and coherent layout that guides you through necessary sections such as introduction, qualifications, and conclusion, ensuring that your letter is comprehensive and well-structured.
  4. Consistent Tone and Style
    Using a sample helps maintain a uniform tone and style throughout your letter, contributing to a professional and cohesive presentation. This consistency is important for creating a polished and credible application.
  5. Ease of Personalization
    A sample allows for easy customization, enabling you to tailor your letter with specific details about your skills, experiences, and the position or opportunity you’re applying for. This personalization makes your application more relevant and impactful.
  6. Effective Highlighting of Qualifications
    A well-organized sample helps you effectively highlight your relevant skills and achievements, making it easier for the reader to see why you are a strong candidate for the position or opportunity.

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